Best Call of Duty: Black Ops III Multiplayer Primary Weapons

Vote for the best multiplayer primary weapon of the new Call of Duty game.
The Top Ten
1 Kuda

The Kuda is my favorite weapon in the is overall a great weapon to use

It's a assult rifle in a smgs body! (i got my most kills with this gun! )

3 Weevil

Weevil was thought to be some terrible smg. Until people used it... Even I use it now.

4 Vesper
5 Pharo
6 ARK-7
7 Razorback
8 XR-2
9 HVK-30
10 Man-o-War
The Contenders
11 KN-44

With Quickdraw, Stock, and silencer this thing is a beats. You can win almost any gunfight from long range to up close. This is your rushing assault rifle in Black Ops 3

12 ICR-1

How is this not number one? its an all rounded good assault rifle, it's my favorite along with the drakon.
i get top on my team with this a lot so yeah, and I get top with the drakon too so yeah this is by far the best AR for me.

13 M8A7

Quick Kills if you're relatively accurate. Next to zero recoil and with the ELO sight, you cannot miss.

14 205 Brecci
15 Dingo
16 Sheiva
17 KRM-262
18 Haymaker 12
19 Argus
20 BRM
21 Gorgon

Greatest LMG in the history of Video Games, you uncultured pricks.

22 48 Dredge
23 Locus
24 Drakon

Best semi auto sniper since the barret I get top on my team with this and the icr.
its got super high damage and its semi auto, plus 20 bullets in the clip is BEASTLY.
also in zombies it's a one shot headshot with pack a punch and dbl tap 2.0 at round 40

25 P-06
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