Top Ten Dumbest Ways to Cross the U.S. Border

There have been many attempts to get across the border, such as digging tunnels or using a ramp and a car to get over. Let's here all the creative ideas everybody has to get across the border!
The Top Ten
1 Shoot yourself out of a cannon

If the blast force of the gunpowder exploding in the cannon doesn't kill you, the fall force will.

This has proved the fun of cannons

2 Grab a spoon and try to dig through the border fence

This will take too long. It's better to just file legally.

3 Knock until they open the gate

So hilarious I so can imagine this!

4 Cross on really tall stilts
5 Use makeshift wings and try to flap over

This won't work. Besides, you can shoot yourself out of a rocket, which will work a million times better!

6 Put on a plastic disguise kit and hope they don't notice you
7 Try to pole vault over
8 Strap yourself to a rocket and soar over
9 Climb a human pyramid over
10 Try to run up walls
The Contenders
11 Get the Russians to nuke the wall
12 Try to tunnel under with a teaspoon
13 Wearing a MAGA hat as an illegal immigrant

I'm not an illegal immigrant, we need to make America Great Again! We need to build that wall! And... oh, I forgot who would pay for it...

14 Beg the guards to open the gate
15 Airdrop from a low flying helicopter
16 Bribe the guards for one cent to open the gate
17 Twerk
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