Top Ten Easter Eggs In the Doom Games

There are many Easter eggs in the classic doom series, but it's time decide the best.
The Top Ten
1 Hidden room containing a Nine Inch Nails logo
2 Hidden room containing environments and enemies from Wolfenstein

This is the best secret level I've ever played on this epic game series.

3 Room with a Swastika on the floor and ceiling, as a reference to Wolfenstein
4 John Romero's impaled head inside Icon of Sin
5 Level called "Nirvana" where a shotgun can be found as a reference to Nirvana's Kurt Cobain, who committed suicide with a shotgun
6 Sample of Alice In Chains' "Them Bones" in the soundtrack
7 Drumbeat from Slayer's South of Heaven in soundtrack
8 Doomguy's face in pentagrams in Doom 3
9 Sample of Stone Temple Pilots' "Sex Type Thing" in soundtrack
10 Sample of Black Sabbath's "After All The Dead" in soundtrack
The Contenders
11 Hanged Captain Keen
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