Top Ten Most Famous Dwarf Planets of the Solar System

The Top Ten
1 Pluto

It changed into a dwarf planet on my birthday. Well it wasn't my wish but still it is pretty unique. It's A DWARF PLANET. You can't admit that isn't cool!

Poor pluto. Don't worry, you'll always be a planet to me.

It was so famous, it even was the name of Mickey's dog!

Mainly because it used to be a planet.

2 Eris Eris is a dwarf planet located in the scattered disk, a region of the solar system beyond Neptune. It was discovered in 2005 by astronomer Mike Brown and his team, and its discovery led to a redefinition of what constitutes a planet, eventually resulting in the reclassification of Pluto as a dwarf planet. Eris is named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord. It is the ninth-largest object orbiting the Sun and has one known moon, Dysnomia.

Eris is 27% more massive than Pluto which makes it the most massive dwarf planet known in the Solar System

3 Haumea
4 Ceres
5 Makemake
6 Xena

I'm surprised this wasn't originally on this list.

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