Top Ten Funny But Unlikely Things for Kim Jong-Un to Say In a National Speech

Let's face it, Kim Jong-un is a crazy guy, but him going this far is what we can only picture.
The Top Ten
1 Honey, did you want to cook the Chinese tonight?

Actually I can imagine him saying this with a straight face...
Excellent list Pos! Haha!

2 Oppan Pyongyang Style!

Hey isn't he of the same build as PSY. He is fit for the job of North Korean Ganghnam Style ( or Pyongyang Style! ). He is also the supreme leader. Imagine the video getting viral all over YouTube and video sites with him dancing on one of his songs!
Superb list, Pos.!

Haha I guess both Koreas are tired of these jokes. Funny list Positron!

Good one. I want Kim to say this

Oh loololololo

3 Now, you must all think I'm completely M.A.D. by now...
4 Well, the rocket's working fine, but does anyone know where they left the instruction manual?

"So, what does this button do, then? "

5 Let's just say I'm getting that plastic surgery done to save money on statues.

This is a good idea. Too bad his Dad never thought of it.

6 I'm an Army Girl, and quite an Ugly Girl...

So funny! Pos A army girl that is ugly laugh out loud and number 1 too He gonna cook honey with a Chinese food so yummy Funny Positron Love you

This is the best one! Haha!

7 I've always thought that my Granddaddy looked like Eric Pickles...

I think so too. Scary for both of us, right, Kim?

8 Calling me fat is a cliché. My BMI is the same as my IQ.

Haha! Nice way to use your overweight BMI!

Haha! I can imagine him saying it!

9 And, on that bombshell...
10 YOLO!

Speak for yourself, Kim.

The Contenders
11 Allahu Ackbar!
12 I pooped in my pants

People in North Korea by law have to use human waste for farms, their manure is human waste.

Who the hell wrote this a 5 year old?

13 How does a fat man become a head of state? He sits on the old one!
14 I'm so ronery!
15 I love Katy Perry
16 Oppa Gangnam Style!
17 I'm Batman
18 So I'm hungry, and I'm hungry again. Oh. I'm hungry again.
19 Is this the Krusty Krab?

No, this is some crazy North Korean dictator

20 I banged Donald Trump and now we have stopped the rockets from hitting America
21 My mother is the tooth fairy.

No My daddy is the tooth fairy and the easter bunny!

22 America is the best country ever
23 Baby baby baby ohh
24 It Needs To Be About 20% Cooler!
25 I like xanny
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