Top Ten Most Important Things You Should Do While Playing Video Games

The Top Ten
1 Press all the buttons

Should be renamed to 'make use of all the buttons in a logical order'. A decent video game should have proper skill involved - a game you can win by randomly mashing buttons is a huge sign of shoddy programming.

When I'm at a friends house and I play this game called Samurai Heroes (she likes fighting games) with her I randomly press buttons and guess what? It works!

2 Never tell yourself you suck at video games

I like this entry, it's so encouraging. Nice job.

I suck at nearly every video games I played.

I suck at beating moltres.

3 Never cheat

"You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference."

If you cheat, you're not really playing the game!

4 Try your best

This is probably the best one on here.

5 Never get mad

Dude, that's literally impossible to do

Call of Duty players are good at that

That's what Call of Duty players do

6 Concentrate on the game

Concentration is the key

7 Run away from bad stuff

Like Mario maker, it is a bad raging game.

8 Go towards good stuff
9 Run in circles if you don't know what to do

Or you could read the instruction manual? Get some tips from another player? Find a safe place in the game and try to figure something out?

10 Kill yourself in the game your playing

This literally fixes everything

The Contenders
11 Save

When I'm playing a Final Fantasy game before and after a very hard moment this is my priority.

12 Practice
13 Have fun
14 Grind for items
15 Look at the screen
16 Listen to motivational music

The music in quite a lot of video games is motivational enough on its own. Still, listen to whatever helps you to do your absolute best.

17 Win

We don't need to be told this so directly - I'm sure everyone looking at this list wants tips on HOW to win.

18 Don't be a camper
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