Top Ten Interesting Facts About TheTopTens Statistics As of June 1st, 2015

The Top Ten
1 Ajkloth STILL not on Top 100 Most Followers

The faith in humanity is pouring out of my brain.

Someone's followers will have to go to him, then

Well I'm following him...

2 Ozzydog12 has got 40,340 votes on his lists in one week
3 Only 79 users have 100 lists

Considering Lists are what this site is for... That's depressing.

4 7 users have 200 followers

Britgirl, PositronWildhawk, admin, PatrickStar, JaysTop10List, Turkeyasylum and Kiteretsunu

5 52 users have 100 followers

EvilAngel, Me, SmoothCriminal, Alexandr, MatrixGuy, Keyson, Puga, SuperHyperdude, CartoonsGirl, Garythesnail, UltimateHybridX and that's all I can think of.

I have 100 followers

6 The list of "Weirdest Facts" has more items than the list of "Best Movies"

I honestly still can't believe it. Thanks to all who contributed to that list!

Now that can go on "Weirdest Facts! "

7 PositronWildhawk has over 4,000 more comments than Britgirl

As well as the #1 most follows position. Something I honestly never thought would change. Tina's disappearance has been a gradual one, but her imprint here is timeless.

And Britgirl has the second most comments. Scary.

Will someone make PW shut up. Haha. Just kidding. He sure is a hard worker

I got only 542 comments

8 Nintendofan126 has 176 followers

He deserves every follower he earns:-)

Yay, I've come a long way...

9 The List of "Worst Cartoon Characters" has more items than the list of "Best Cartoon Characters"

Are cartoons hated or something?

10 Andre56 has more followers than BKAllmighty

WHAT! BKAllmighty should be WAY more popular!

In My opinion, 56 doesn't deserve that much

The Contenders
11 The List of Music Artists you'd like to see at the London 2012 Ceremony is the most popular and favourited list

Why can't this list get out of our lives?

Why does this list still get votes?

This STILL gets votes?

12 Cosmo has more followers than Keycha1n,Garythesnail,and SuperHyperDude

I'm still pretty happy with my follower count. However, with no offense to Cosmo I believe Keycha1n and SHD deserve more followers.

13 Bobbythebrony reached 700 lists

He has a lot of ideas.

14 JaysTop10List has 5th Most followers

He only has the 6th most followers nowadays.

15 Turkeyasylum's member score is only a few points shy of Britgirl's

Wow. Turkey wasn't even on for a year.

16 3 users have 300 followers

Out of all the users on this site, only 3 have 300.

PositronWildhawk, Britgirl and admin

17 Britgirl is the only female with 200 followers
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