Top Ten Interesting Facts About TheTopTens User Cosmo

Here are some facts about me.
The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 I wear glasses

Wanda used to be my account but now it's my cousin's account. And yes your right. I am not a dork bevause I don't know what that is!

Yeah that's true. I do wear glasses.

There are people who are incomplete without their glasses. Just like me!

Guys someone put that Cosmo is a dork and that is false. Ignore that!

2 My house has a pool and a Jacuzzi

Did you win the lottery or something

Cool! I have a pool and a tennis court.

I don't want to be rich or famous. I might turn into a douchebag

You must be rich or something

3 The user Gettysburg is my older Brother

I know. It is cool and their both older than me.

I never see him on the site anymore for some reason. Did he retire?

Never heard of him

That's really cool!

4 I live in Los Angeles Ca.

Iv'e been there and it's a cool place despite the traffic

I'm visiting there next year.

I be livin' the Cali life too.

I would like to live there.

5 My favorite show is The Fairly OddParents

I know right! This is one of my childhood favorites and I still watch it today!

You can tell because of her username (Cosmo is the dumber, green haired fairy)

This was one of my favorite show when I was younger

That show declined and ran out of ideas

6 I hate My Little Pony and I think its the worst show ever

My opinion has changed actually. I don't hate the show as much as I used to anymore.

Actually I changed my least favorite sow to Breadwinners.

Those people who keep on treating us like 'LOW-LIVES" are just making everyone else feel bad. If they continue their mindless ravage, I'll get even more terrified.

I don't know why but I can't stop watching it I think it's the CAMP technique my theater teacher tought me which is basically the show sucks so bad u keep watching it because u want to see how much suckier it can get

7 I love most cartoons but not all

Wow! Really? It Must Be Hard For You To Hate On A Cartoon Well Except For MLP.

Do you love Tom and Jerry?

8 I have a lot of Electronics

So do I, for two reasons:
1. I'm obsessed with technology and try to learn everything I can about it.
2. My parents are the most tech savvy people you will EVER meet.

Really? Why do you have that much?

I also have a lot of electeonics.

9 I am currently in 6th grade

Well I'm in 7th now.

Me 2 but in august 2015 I'm going th 7th

10 I love chocolate

Who doesn't like chocolate

I love me some kit-kats and Hersey

Chocolate? Chocolate? CHOCOLATE! CHOCOLATE!

Mm chocoalate