Top Ten Interesting Facts About TheTopTens User Garythesnail

The items in this list have been selected by the author of the list for you to vote and comment on.
The Top Ten
1 He Is a Christian

Christianity is such a great religion

Most users are, but I'm not. That makes me different :D

Jesus for the win! *high five*!

2 He's a huge fan of Spongebob

More so the early ones, but I find there to be some good modern ones.

That is a reason why he is one of my favorite users

Do you prefer Old SpongeBob or New SpongeBob?

Yes yes he is. Garythesnail is a great guy.

3 His cousin is a common visitor to this site

Used to be at least. I don't know, I haven't talked to her in ages.

4 He is in seventh grade
5 His favorite holiday is Christmas

Its also mine along with New Years Day.

It's also my favorite holiday

It is also my favourite

It's the best holiday ever.

6 He has had 5 pet fish

Most of them drowned.

We had a lot of them that I couldn't count, but most of them died.

I also got a beta fish for my birthday. She died a few days later.

7 He has braces

Didn't know this either

I also have braces.

Aww my little mikey has braces? Such a cutie. ^u^

8 He loves chocolate

I am such a chocolate person.

Who doesn't love chocolate?

9 This is his eighth list

He has at least 15 lists now.

10 He is a huge Mario fan