Top 10 Interesting Things About the Pokemon Decidueye

The Top Ten
1 It has a very unique and clever design
2 The ghost typing for Decidueye heavily connects to lore, mythology, and legends about owls
3 It's a ghost starter
4 It pulls arrows out of its feathers and uses it's wing and vines to shot them
5 You can compare Decidueye and the evolution progression of Rowlet in general to Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)
6 You can also compare it to Robin Hood
7 The hoodie and vine draw strings are multipurpose
8 It closes its hoodie when it goes to sleep

Ah! Cuteness overload!

9 It can do curve shots
10 Spirit Shackle is an offensive mean look
The Contenders
11 It is very stealthy
12 It appears that it's going to be a very fast, hard hitting Pokemon
13 It's coolheaded but can be very flustered when it gets surprised
14 It appears rather sassy in its gameplay animations
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