Most Ironic Things

The Top Ten
1 The fire station is on fire
2 No photography allowed in a photo gallery
3 After having a fear a of freeways the first time you drive on one you get in a car wreck

This happened to my grandma's friend.

4 The one day your on time for school there's a holiday

Worse, the one time you would have been off sick, it's either the weekend or it's a holiday.

This has happened to me. Not fun.

5 The supposed end of the world would happen 12/22/12

Sorry I worded it wrong it's supposed to be The supposed end of the world 12/21/12 would happen 12/22/12.

Instead Gangnam Style got 1 billion YouTube views

6 Being run over by an ambulance outside a hospital

Wow how unlucky

7 An obese dietitian

Hmm, you look too fat, I think you might have to start a diet- Says the obese dietician

This isn't just irony - it's hypocrisy.

8 A rehabilitation specialist seeks rehab

Oh I think that happened in a movie! I don't remember which movie it was...But I think it was a tragedy ( obvious...)

9 An open prison
10 A race car driver gets pulled over for going under the speed limit
The Contenders
11 A lifeguard who can't swim
12 A death row pardon two minutes too late

It's a line from Alanis Morissette's song Ironic.

13 A free ride when you've already paid

This is actually one of the only ironic thing in the song be Alanis Morissette in my opinion.

Again, a line from Ironic by Alanis Morissette.

This isn't ironic. It's just unfortunate.

14 Winning the lottery on the day you die
15 Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words

"I have a fear of long words."
"Poor you, what's the -phobia name for it? "
"Well... AAAH! "

Love how it's mostly named after an animal lol

16 A hair stylist burns their hair off with a straightening iron
17 A bird afraid of heights

Do some flightless birds count?

18 A meat-eating vegetarian
19 An immortal person dies
20 A song you hate but can't stop singing
21 The bungee cord snaps on the only person there afraid of heights

This wouldn't be cool. I'm fine with heights myself, but I'd feel bad for him/her.

22 "No Signs Allowed" sign
23 "Dyslexia" is an anagram of "daily sex"

At the doctor: The doctor gives a prescription to the mom. "Your child has dyslexia." he says. The child looks at the prescription: "Mother, why am I confirmed with daily sex? "

As I said before on TheTopTens, it is certainly ironic. In the same way "Computer" is an anagram of "Rectum Op"

This is what a dyslexic person would see instead of dyslexia!

24 Gamekeeper who is married to a poacher
25 The person you are closest to lives thousands of miles away

I'm very close to my aunts and uncles from CA and I live in Philadelphia. Over 2000 miles apart.

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