Top Ten Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Mini-bosses

The Top Ten
1 Darknut

The most enjoyable mini-boss for me definitely. It gives me a chance to practice my sword skills; its great!

Very intimidating! He also looks very cool. It's also nice to have a Mano-e-Mano sword fight.

They prove to be dangerous in groups

2 Ook

The way he acts makes me laugh

3 Death Sword

Great and scary. I love how the sword swings on you on its own at first. I did not know what to do then. But when I saw him I got so freaked out.

Best mini boss in the game. Terrifying and made you think to beat him.

I enjoyed fighting him and his mini-boss theme is awesome.

His scream when you beat him though

4 Aeralfos
5 Dangoro
6 King Bulblin & Lord Bullbo
7 Deku Toad
8 Darkhammer
9 Phantom Zant
10 Twilit Bloat
The Contenders
11 Skull Kid

He looks good for sacred grove

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