Top Ten Months That Sound the Best When Said Backwards

The Top Ten
1 Rebmevon - November

I just love saying this. Say it with me if you like. Come on, don't be shy... "Rebmevon! " See? It's a great word!

Haha this is epic sounding. This month sounds the best said forward AND backward!

Rebmevon. Say it everyone Rebmevon!

Rebmevon. I like saying it

2 Rebmetpes - September

Wake me up when Rebmetpes ends

3 Rebmeced - December
4 Rebotco - October
5 Tsugua - August

I was born in this month. Shame really, "Yam" is so much better.

Sounds hawaiian TSUGUA

Sounds Japanese

6 Lirpa - April
7 Yam - May

This proves that Thanksgiving should happen in May

8 Hcram - March
9 Enuj - June
10 Yraurbef - February
The Contenders
11 Yraunaj - January
12 Yluj - July
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