Top Ten Nintendo Franchises that Should Be Turned Into a Movie Franchise

Nintendo franchises that should have films some animated some live action
The Top Ten
1 Super Smash Bros
2 The Legend of Zelda
3 Super Mario Bros

I'm not talking about the SMB film.

I would love this to happen

4 Fire Emblem
5 PikminĀ 

This would be fun

6 Xenoblade Chronicles
7 Kirby
8 Mario Kart
9 Pokemon

I loved pokemon games, this is should have movies more better than the godfather

It has been done

10 StarFox
The Contenders
11 Metroid (NES)
12 Fire Emblem: Awakening
13 Super Smash Bros Brawl
14 Metroid
15 F-Zero
16 Kid Icarus: Uprising
17 Splatoon
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