Top 10 Predictions From Edgar Cayce

The Top Ten
1 Stock Market Crash and Great Depression
2 Revolutions in Foreign Lands
3 World War and Fall of Adolf Hitler
4 Deaths of Two Presidents: Roosevelt and Kennedy
5 Jews Returning to Israel
6 Collapse of Soviet Union
7 The Discovery of the Bimini Road of the Atlantis
8 His Own Death
9 Conflict in Syria
10 India Would Become Independent From Britain
The Contenders
11 Alliance Between the USA and Russia
12 Some Territories in the West of USA Will Sink
13 The Earth's Axis Becomes Straight
14 He Is Going to Be Reborn Again After 2012
15 Some Territories of Japan Will Sink
16 The Great Lakes Will Become Smaller
17 There will be a Big earthquake in South America
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