Top Ten Quotes or Short Poems About Life, Death or Love

I take screen shots of just about every quote i see on images.
The Top Ten
1 Stars can not shine without darkness.

True, you can't see the stars at daytime. But at night, the stars shine so brightly.

Its really true...A strong word came from small thing

This is really well put

2 Surrender to what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be.
3 Death leaves a heart ache that no one can heal but love leaves a memory, no one can steal.

This quote is great and meaningful

This is so beautiful. And so true...

4 Death is but yet the next great adventure.
5 To the world you might be 1 person but to 1 person you might be the world.

Has a great flow and makes perfect sense.

6 My soul is full of whispered song, my blindness is my sight. The shadows that I have feared so long are all alive with light.
7 In every shadow, there is light. In every tear, a smile. In death I know there still is life that lingers for a while.
8 Distance means nothing when someone means everything.
9 The loss of a friend is equivalent to the loss of a limb.
10 I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.
The Contenders
11 There is no such thing as an ending. Only a new beginning.
12 Nothing lasts forever
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