Top Ten Reasons Metal Music Isn't Mainstream

Lots of metalheads say: "Bands like *name one new band* are too mainstream."

But my answer to this statement is "No!".

And here are TEN REASONS why:
The Top Ten
1 Metal is hard to listen to for others
2 Too many stereotypes are in the minds of people
3 Metal is for people who don't like mainstream music

That's just your opinion. People can like pop and metal music.

4 Long hair is not "in"
5 Horror themed album covers
6 Non metal fans think every metal band sounds like death or black metal
7 Elitists make metal fans look close minded people
8 People enjoy easy music like pop because they just want to have fun

This is the biggest reason

9 Most people don't like black t shirts
10 Lots of commercials make fun of metal

Never seen them, must be in over countries.

Screw those commercials.

The Contenders
11 Many think Metal is Satanic

Ask any Bible Basher. Ask the Westboro Baptist Church they probably believe that. Ken Ham possibly, email Rapture Ready (Bible Bashers believing the rapture is coming)

12 It's an acquired taste
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