Top Ten Reasons to Play the Video Game Series Mass Effect

The Top Ten
1 You make your own choices
2 The characters are well developed
3 You can choose your gender
4 Character interactions
5 Fun combat
6 You can import saves
7 Fun missions
8 You can choose your own love interest
9 You can choose to be a paragon or renegade
10 Great antagonists
The Contenders
11 Great voice acting
12 It has a lot in common with Undertale
13 You can pick your class to suit your playstyle

Soldier - the classic shooter
- shoot, shoot, shoot, then shoot some more with all the guns.

Engineer - the tech master/summoner
- field your own small army and sabotage enemy defenses with all the tech.

Adept - the space wizard
- spawn your own black holes and throw enemies like bowling pins with all the space-magic.

Sentinel - the versatile tank
- wield a balanced mix of space-magic and tech; never be at a disadvantage.

Vanguard - the superhero
- use space-magic to overpower enemies, and shotguns to clean up the rest.

Infiltrator - the sniper/ninja
- turn invisible, exploit weaknesses with tech, and snipe from afar.

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