Top Ten Reasons to Rob a Bank

The Top Ten
1 You could get a lot of money

I agree with this list. Robbing banks and stealing money is a great way to get money, much better than working. If only it was legal.

Still don't want to rob a bank. These really sent good enough reasons to make me want to break the law and go to jail!

2 If you succeed, you can use the cash to buy whatever you want
3 Because this list has given you excellent reasons to do so

In Capitalist America, bank robs you!

4 You might get an adrenaline rush from it
5 People will be intimidated by you, and therefore, you'll have respect
6 You get to wear cool ski masks

Dreaming like a 4 years child

7 You don't have to participate alone, some friends can help you
8 There's the thought of getting caught

Something That makes meh run like lesbian segals are trying to feed on mah skin

9 If you get arrested, maybe you'll get sent to a prison that has great food

Yep! This should be the #1 reason. Haha.

And a great escape plan 2

Have you tasted it?

Um I doubt it/that

10 Because you'll get so much money, so you don't need to work on your job.
The Contenders
11 You might get to fight some cops
12 Because it's fun
13 Because you will test out the bank's security

If they have bad security, they will make it better

14 Because it makes you enjoy jail meals

I won't be their

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