Top Ten Reasons Super Mario Bros: Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach Is Better Than Super Mario Bros. (1993 Movie)

We all know that the live action Mario movie from 1993 is terrible, but there actually is a movie about Mario that came before that one. It's called Super Mario Bros.: The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach & it truly is the first movie based on a video game, even though it was never released outside of Japan. It's still better, and here is why.
The Top Ten
1 Bowser is not a human.

Except for phase 2 in the final boss of Super Mario: The Movie where Bowser turns into his Koopa form we all know and love.

Seriously, who in the right mind would want to see Bowser as a human? He's the king of Koopas, not Donald Trump.

2 Goombas don't look creepy.
3 It's in anime.

You might be saying "Okay. So, what's wrong with live action? " I have nothing against live action. Live action was used in The Super Mario Bros. Super Show, and it worked out fine. The movie, however, didn't do so well.

4 Princess peach is in it.

I really thought Princess Peach was in the 1993 movie, but it turned out to be Daisy. Also, Daisy is not a princess? In the anime, there actually is a princess because that's what the Mario Bros. Do. Rescue princesses.

5 It has power-ups.

Super Mushroom, Fire Flower, and Star

6 Toad is an actually mushroom person rather than a hobo.
7 Many Mario enemies are in it.
8 It is much closer to the underrated, groundbreaking Super Mario games released in the late 20th Century
9 The story makes sense.

Except for the dog turning out to be Peach's husband, who hasn't been seen or mentioned since nor had even been hinted to exist before.

10 It doesn't gross us out

Anime is just a cartoon thank gosh.

The Contenders
11 Toad is not a human.
12 Mario and Luigi are the same age
13 The characters are more true to the games
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