Top 10 Reasons Why Bernie Sanders Would Make a Good President of the U.S

The Top Ten
1 He Supports Free College

No he doesn't want free college he wants you to give him your money so he can pay the college with your money and trick you into thinking its free. Then of course there's the fact that the 70 billion dollars a year would go to families that could largely already pay. Oh and the fun fact the government has a perfect track record of ruining everything it tries to manage. And by the way if you genuinely can't afford college you could go to a 2 year college then work and then get the almost infinite number of grants and scholarships already provided.

Just a question, has nothing to do with Bernie, would you rather Quit college so future generations could live a better life in 3rd world countries, or, do you want to stay in college and die at age 36 and have found out how to cure AIDS?

Nothing is ever free, no matter how much Bernie tries to brainwash you. It will be paid by the taxpayers, because who else will pay for it? Socialism is a flawed and dangerous system.

What about the fact that he's loyal or the fact that he doesn't hide his opinions to appeal to the public. As sad as this sounds the only reason he won't win is because he is honest.

2 He Supports The Legalization Of Marijuana

This is not a bad thing. Weed is not as bad as uneducated idiots make it out to be. It has health benefits, you can't overdose or be killed, and only about 10% of Pot smokers go on to do class A drugs. Yes, I have done weed myself, but I'm not addicted and it's no where near the most important thing in my life.

I like Bernie Sanders, but that's not really a good reason to say why he would be a good president.

Naw. He's just trying to win people's votes.

3 He Supports Affordable or Free Healthcare

His views on medicare for all, once considered impossibly progressive by many Americans, have now become the 'standard of care' in this campaign. I have great respect for his willingness to carry this banner policy forward. People who really think and study the issues stand behind Sanders. The others are limited in intelligence, compassion, scope of issues, and political acumen. Also, I very much admire the video in which he addresses the veteran with huge medical bills that he cannot pay; apparently he lost some vets coverage through some lapse in paperwork on his part. Who helps vets navigate the enormous and intricate health insurance paperwork?

Even if we allowed the government to steal all our money we still couldn't pay for it all. And if we want to look to real world examples let's look north and remember how Canada declared a human rights emergency because so many people were dying because the waiting lists were so long and they had to allow the creation of private "super hospitals" or as we call them in America... Hospitals.

This is a reason, why I'd vote for him to be honest.

4 He's Pro-Choice

EXACTLY. Give people the choice of whether they abort their unborn Foetus or not, for example.

Gives me less of a reason

5 He Doesn't Base All His Choices On One Religion

Anyone who does is an idiot! Bernie for president!

Um even Ted Cruz doesn't do this.

How stupid is the religion supporting moron who commented. Maybe you should take you brain out of your -----

6 He Supports Same-Sex Marriage

This is actually one of the main reasons I love Bernie, he supports equality for all people and he's been fighting for equality since he was only a student.

I'm all for the rights of people to marry whom they choose as long you respect a private business the right to discriminate whom they choose.

This is the worst reason ever. Why would a Jew support same sex marriage?

7 He Wants To End Institutional Racism

Racism is exactly the problem with this country, people don't realize it but it is true, donald trump will just make racism worse. Bernie is the man to stop this horrible thing. He gets my vote.

Institutional racism died in the 50's

8 He Wants To Redo The Criminal Justice System

Nobody said anything about allowing fellons on the street! I think that fellons should have the right to get a voice in there government!

To allow dangerous felons back out on the street much earlier than they should be.

Cause why punish someone who breaks the law.

They may be felons but they're still people

9 He's Against Big Business

People say that Bernie Sanders is some kind of communist only because he's a man of the left in an otherwise right-wing dominated American government. But compared to Western European standards, he is of centre-left and no different from social democrats in Germany or Scandinavia.

This is the biggest reason why I personally support bernie corporations in america are one of the worst things about it. Capitalism helped america in world war two and about twenty years after that. It does not have the same effect as of now

Bernie sanders wants to end monopolies by expanding the biggest monopoly in existence... The federal government.

Capitalism brought America to power, take that away, America is powerless

10 He Wants To Cut Military Spending

So he can fuel the money to something more worthy. Hmm, why I think the 7 Billion+ Debt the USA has could be that furnace we've been looking for...

Yeah we already have the biggest military in the world and spend a huge amount on it

Not a good thing

The Contenders
11 He Accepts Climate Change as a Fact

Yeah? Will he do anything about it? Be more specific

12 He's Not Donald Trump

The only reason to vote for him

13 He is Against Donald Trump's Racist Comments
14 He Doesn't Take Money from Corrupt Corporations
15 He support $15 minimum wages
16 He is Intelligent, Wise, and Forward Thinking
17 He is Nice
18 He Represents the Working Class, Not the Billionaires and Donors

YOUR money is yours if you are an average person with a relatively ordinary job. MULT-BILLIONAIRES are not ordinary, should never exist, and THEY NEVER EARNED all of that money! It isn't EARNED income. THEY WON IT from investments, aka gambling, on Wall Street! So, stop saying its THEIR money or that THEY have EARNED IT!

19 Bernie is Bae

For senior citizens, yeah.

20 Because He Supports Vaping
21 He Opposes Fracking
22 He hates Fossil Fuels
23 He Is Genuine and Persistent
24 He Only Owns Three Homes

For a long time, he attacked millionaires and billionaires. Ever since he became a millionaire, he only attacks billionaires.

25 He is a democratic socialist
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