Top Ten Reasons Why Donald Trump is Unfit to Be President

For the record, I am not a Clinton supporter nor an advocate. I am stating facts about the Donald Trump and why people agree he is unfit to become president of the United States.
The Top Ten
1 Said he would force the military to commit war crimes
2 Said women should be punished for having abortions

Abortion is murder. Instead, there should be a way to make women comfortable through their pregnancy, and no one said they had to care for the child.
I find it funny how Hillary claim to be an advocate for children and support abortion.

Only murder in the second & third trimesters when nothing is wrong with the mother or the baby. It happens occasionally.

People need some braincells to learn the truth about the womb. Weird how life starts and looking like some sort of shrimp.

Abortion is evil

3 Promised to deport U.S. citizens whose parents immigrated illegally

Oh no...Really? He said this?

4 Called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S.

Of course it's temporary. You think that whatever he says or do is everlasting? After his presidency he will have no saying in the matter anymore and the ban will go away like he will go. You are fooled ( and therefor think it's ok ) by a word. It's a ban, plain and simple. The word " temporary " is just to put your moral and human thoughts at ease.

No he didn't, he called for a TEMPORARY stoppage to be sure the correct "vetting" procedures were in place. Exactly like Jimmy Carter did back in the 1970's.

5 Said a U.S.-born judge couldn't be impartial because of his “Mexican heritage”

Actually, he called for the judge to recuse himself, due to Trump's public statements. Such conflicts of interest are common, and judges are changed all the time for similar conflicts.

6 Proposed to create a database system to track Muslims in the U.S
7 Called Mexican immigrants rapists

Every Mexican ( children and women included ) is a rapist and drugdealer. Trump said so, so it must be true because he knows the truth. The media is fake news! Trump's news is not!

And yet he's a rapist himself

8 Hasn't released tax returns
9 Advocated waterboarding as punishment even if it doesn’t help gain information, because “they deserve it anyway”
10 Fraternizes with avowed white supremacists on Twitter
The Contenders
11 He is a Republican

Lol America and their fighting Republican vs Democrat. Republican we are for the rich people, Democrat we are for government?

12 He's racist
13 He's mentally ill
14 Endorses torture
15 He says everything that doesn't go his way is rigged
16 Raised the smoking age to 21 years old
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