Top 10 Reasons Why Gravity Falls Is Better Than Teen Titans Go!

The Top Ten
1 More Mature

Gravity Falls is 1,000% more mature than Teen Titans Go. It deals with more serious topics and the characters are way more mature than the characters on Teen Titans Go.

Gravity Falls has better storylines and characters with real personalities, Toddler Titans has mentally challenged characters with no personality.

Sure gravity falls is a thousand times better than TTG but it's sorta stupid why we're comparing it to an amazing award-winning show to an awful, idiotic show.

Much more mature. Gravity Falls deals with drama, relationships, and terror while Teen Titans Go! is "Scoot your booty, that booty, Now do the booty scooty."

2 Better Humor

Exactly. Gravity Falls' jokes are actually hilarious. Remember "I AM QUESTIONY THE QUESTION MARK", poor Soos got sprayed but it was still hilarious, while Teen Titans Go! on the other hand makes butt and fart jokes.

I've laughed at Gravity Falls more often (1x per episode at least) than Teen Titans NO! (Never)



3 It Has a Wider Age Range

Gravity Falls is for all ages

4 No Photo Animation

Learn to spell, genius.

5 Better Character Designs

Plus at least the designs are original. The designs for TTG are simply just stupid chibi versions of the originals.

There are a lot of details. Such as eg. Stan's nose is red. Dipper has eye bags. Etc.

I really like the character designs in Gravity Falls.

You got that right!

6 Mabel Is Better Than Starfire

Mabel is charming and funny. Starfire (Teen Titans Go! ) is annoying

At least Mabel knows how to cover her midriff.

Mabel rocks and Starfire is a moron.

Just stop with hating star fire HATE ROBIN

7 The Plot Is Much Deeper

TTG literally has no plot. It's a pathetic excuse for a cartoon that should've never been green lit in the first place.

Gravity Falls' plot is really deep, sad, dark, intense, and emotional. (Which makes a great show)

You guys know how the original TT had deep story plots and a lot of action well TTG just takes that and just throws it out the window.

Oh yeah! No doubt about it. TTG is a loud of crap compared to Gravity falls.

8 Not As Many Butt Jokes

"What? My butt isn't part of this particular equation! " -Probabiltor the Annoying. Still funnier than TTG.

I've never ever seen them use a butt joke

Stan almost cursed in one episode ALMOST.

9 Dipper and Mabel Are Relatable to Kids Growing Up

Yes and its true. TTG teaches children to be dumb while Gravity Falls teaches children to be brave in any danger.

Yea they are way more likeable then robin

Mabbel and dipper is cool and their unlces is better than ttg


10 Better Theme Song

Yes. The Gravity Falls' Theme song has a lot of effort by Brad Breeck and it contains many instrumentals like Piano, Guitar, The beats, and whistling. The intro has also mysteries while TTG's intro was just a lunchpad that can be created with no effort

Yeah! The theme song of Gravity Falls is so catchy

Love it and I love how they altered it in the Weirdmageddon arc.

Brad Breeck is a great musicians and it fits the backround song to the show.

The Contenders
11 Best Villains

Bill Cipher has a terrifying sense of humor and is as evil as Slade from the original Teen Titans.

In my humble opinion, Bill Cipher is a much better main antagonist than family man Trigon

Bill cipher starts weirdmageddon in the Teen Titans go Universe.Good news,everyone is turned to stone and the titans get vaporized into dust! No more TTG!

Yeah except for Gideon. he's very annoying.

12 Teen Titans Go has offensive jokes on cat owners, vegetarians, gay people and much more

It's also racially offensive and makes fun of homeless people. Remind me again why this show is for kids.

Poor sticky joe

13 Better Character Development

Way better character development. 1 example: Northwest Mansion Noir

As in, Gravity Falls has character development. TTG does not and never will.

14 Gravity Falls Is Funny

Gravity falls is better than ttg all that who hates gravity falls fvck you all who hates gravity falls and their such a dick

I thought soos's belly song was hilarious

It's not at all. It's satanic.

So many questions! -grunkle stan

15 The Creator Put More Effort Into It

He loves his creation so much. That he ended it before it got stale. He knows how to connect the charecters to himself and cares about his fans. On the other hand TTG writers do not care and think kids are stupid and will watch anything. They kill and abuse the charecters constantly and have no love for their audience.

16 Gravity Falls Came First
17 There's a Slower Build Up, Making the Wait Even More Wonderful
18 The Characters are More Likable

By season 2, the characters in girlfriend were downright lovable. As for TTG, I'm pretty sure no one would give a damn if they were tortured or something.

Everyone in Teen Titans Go is terrible.

19 Gravity Falls is Stimulating
20 Cuter Characters

Dipper is a cutest character in this show. Even better than Robin!

21 The Show is an Original

That's right! Gravity Falls is 100% original while TTG is a dumb remake!

22 They Knew to End It at Its Best

I totally agree. Lots of cartoons today drag on and on relentlessly, being milked out until they go sour.

Lots of kids shows forget this these days.

It sad to see it go but its for the best

23 Less Stupidity
24 Illuminati Bill is in It
25 Gravity Falls would rather boost your I.Q than lower it

It wouldn't make your IQ change but at least it is bearable to watch

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