Top 10 Songs from Modest Mouse's Building Nothing Out of Something

Modest Mouse is amazing and also here are the songs from Build Nothing Out of Something album
The Top Ten
1 Never Ending Math Equation
2 Grey Ice Water
3 Baby Blue Sedan
4 All Night Diner
5 Interstate 8
6 Workin' On Leavin' the Livin'
7 Broke
8 A Life of Arctic Sounds
9 Whenever You Breathe Out, I Breathe In (Positive, Negative)

For me, a great song is one that leaves you wanting more. That is to say that it feels too short even when it's not. This is a song that I can listen to on repeat because, while the there aren't a ton of lyrics, their depth is really astounding. The universality of numbness the lyrics describe hit the spot for anyone who has ever dealt with a life changing experience. At times I feel that it is a break up, at others I am not so sure. The rhythm of the song fits absolutely with the feel of the lyrics and could just as easily do fine without lyrics at all too.

10 Medication
The Contenders
11 Other People's Lives
12 Sleepwalking
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