Top Ten Strongest Villains from World of Warcraft

The Top Ten
1 Sargeras
2 Kil'Jaedan
3 Yogg-Saron

Old gods are the most powerful.

They are the Old "GODS"

4 C'Thun
5 Archimonde
6 Deathwing

Oh, come on. He changed the face of Azeroth forever JUST BY WAKING UP. He's a GIANT DRAGON. Get him to the top!

7 The Lich King
8 Mannoroth
9 N'Zoth
10 Kael'Thas
The Contenders
11 Y'shaarj
12 Illidan Stormrage
13 Garrosh Hellscream
14 Gul'dan
15 Lei Shen
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