Top Ten Stupidest Reasons People Have for Hating the United States

Lots of people hate America for extremely stupid reasons. America is probably the most hated country. Sure, everyone has their opinion, but some people have this opinion for the stupidest reasons.
The Top Ten
1 Donald Trump Lives in America

I can actually understand. Donald Trump is causing us to go downhill as fast as video games are dying (which is a rapid pace) and we are losing what we once had- trust, liberty, snd justice. Now all we are is just all crap (forgive me) with messed up government and a terrible president.

This is literally just one guy out of 325 million. Why on earth do you hate us for ONE GUY?

So? He's not the worst president ever. But definitely not the best

This makes me face palm so badly.

2 Every American is Stupid

Every American is this, every American is that. Every American is some derogatory term to undermine them just because you as a foreigner aren't this. Now tell me, how many non-Americans are something way worse? Why are non-Americans the most vocal against American traditions? There are great Americans and there are great non-Americans, but the way the most vocal non-Americans treat other Americans does not make them better.

This isn't a stupid reason; more said out of ignorance. People who use this as a reason to "hate" can only be used to watching US sitcoms. I wonder just how many people who think Americans are stupid, actually know at least one American. They're not stupid, but are really flippin' intelligent. Read that sentence as many times as you need to because I'm not going to repeat it ;).

Yeah, like that Steve Jobs guy, and that Bill Gates guy, and especially that Mark Zuckerberg character, what a maroon.

Not every American is. It's a rather stupid reason to hate on Americans.

3 Permissive Gun Regulations

Every American who owns a gun is a potential murderer. No guns, no gun-inflicted deaths. It's worked in other countries where guns have been banned but Americans are too self-entitled and arrogant to give up their guns.

This isn't a reason to hate Americans but it certainly is stupid considering how many shooting massacres have occurred and how many people have been killed by people using guns. And yes a lot of people hate Americans because of this.

Guns don't kill people. People kill people. We have a right to self defense. We have a right to bear arms.

You can just buy a gun in Wal*Mart, but Kinder Surprise eggs are banned.
Yanks love guns. They don't use them for sport like a bow and arrow they use them to shoot people.

4 Everyone American is Fat

Not a reason to hate a country, making fun of people because of their weights sure is stupid.

We are actually lower than egypt and qatar and nauru and 15 other countries on bmi list

Wrong! This list is stupid

5 It's Full of Rednecks
6 Everyone American is Rude

Yeah, that's why America donates more than any other country.

Not everyone

7 Every American Dates Their Cousin

And this list is dumb because of reasons like this

8 Americans Have a Stupid Accent

Not as annoying as British accents (no offense) I can't stand their accents.

I like American accents

9 They Only Eat Burgers

Americans do eat a rather unhealthy diet, but they do not only eat burgers. As a American myself, I see others eat many foods other than burgers. Sometimes they eat them because of convienence, and sometimes they like the flavor, but not all Americans eat them. And why would you hate someone because what they eat?

Not everyone eats burgers.

10 Justin Bieber Lives in America

He's actually from canada.

He's canadian

The Contenders
11 Our Politicians Can Be Scheming or Stupid

True but so is everyone else's

So are yours, I will bet.

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