Best Things About Playing WiFi Races On Mario Kart Wii

The Top Ten
1 Your Course Keeps Getting Picked

I had this feeling. One time, I kept on voting for coconut mall, and It got picked 3 times in a row! Then, on the next race, I voted for Mushroom Gorge, and it got picked six times (not In a row. )

If my course is getting picked I just scream cause the course I'm picking is easy for me :))

2 Some People You Play With Are In the Same State As You

To the person who said they live in Delaware I live in Delaware and I play Mario kart so I was probably one of them.

I live in DE. I also had 5 other people from DE (Delaware. )

Who the hell cares

I live in england

3 Someone With Funny Names

Did a 5 year old make this list

4 Someone Plays As Waluigi / Birdo and Loses

Kind of easy why I put this here. Look up the worst Mario characters and you will see.

What about peach

5 Someone Has Dry Bowser

Why the hell is this a reason

6 You Fall Off a Cliff But You Don't Teleport to Last Place
7 Major Add of Points When You Win

Only good or valid reason on this list

I got 198 points when I was in 2nd place

8 The VR system
9 Getting a Shock Every Race
10 Spaming items on Peach
The Contenders
11 Shortcuts

If you know how to use them, there are ultra shortcuts that you can use to win races. An ultra shortcut is a glitched shortcut that you can use to shave seconds, even minutes, off your track time. In Grumble Volcano, you can drive around the rock, and it will count as a full lap!

Love shortcuts but you can use them anywhere and hackers use them all the time

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