Top 10 Best Things About Pokemon Sun and Moon

Pokemon Sun and Moon are amazing games and possibly one of the greatest in the series. *contains spoilers*
The Top Ten
1 The innovation
2 Being acknowledged as the champion and being allowed to defend your title

Sun and moon = well done champion
Other games = your champion and now you can sell this as no one cares about your life

3 Lillie and Gladion's story and character development
4 The story and lore
5 Lusamine being the first villain team leader

I think you mean "Lusamine being the first FEMALE villain team leader to ever exist in Pokemon".

No more odd thing!

6 The diversity of the Alola region
7 How Cosmog eventually fully evolves into Solgaleo or Lunala

Lunala and Solgaleo... Dating!

8 The soundtrack

How well does it hold up to ORAS, though? that's my favorite soundtrack.

9 How incredible some of the Alola Pokemon are
10 No HMs

They were so annoying. But now I can't have a HM slave...

The Contenders
11 Better character customization

XY: Yeah, you can change your skin color and have two hair color options. Also, we're going to be racist and force you to not change your hair color if your black.

hopefully it's better than that.

12 The realistic financial struggles of Team Skull

Team Rocket in the anime sort of does this, but a lot of the times it seems like they are just tpulling machines and robot out of they're asses though. A few times, on the other hand, the mention they're financial issues.

13 How unique Lusamine and Guzma's teams were

I especially liked how Team Skull and the Aether Foundation had theme songs that acted as foils to each other. Team Skull's theme song used hip-hop while the Aether Foundation's theme song was more orchestral. In addition, you might as well call both of them complete foils in their entirety, whether it be the goals they had, the outfits they wore, the leaders that led them, and much more to name.

14 Hau Hau is a fictional character introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon. He is the grandson of the Island Kahuna for Melemele Island, Hala. He serves as the rival character and ally to the player in Pokémon Sun and Moon.

So far, hugh, Silver, and Wally are my favorites. As long as he's a better rival than Serena and arrogant prick named Blue, then I will be happy.

Hau is now my favorite rival in Pokemon, surpassing even Silver.

15 It's on Disney
16 Z Moves
17 How they handled the topic of child abuse and how controlling parents damage their children
18 How likable and interesting the characters are

XY had a few good characters such a sLysandre but they were never fleshed out.

19 Alolan forms

Alolan VUlpix and Alolan Ninetails. MIND. BLOWN.

20 The in game features
21 The Brand New "Non Gym Battle" Format

I don't have these game syet but I hope to get them soon. So far this seems to be the main selling point to me! Its nice that they're being true to the mechanics but at the same time and not following the same exact formula so fa.r Hopefully it will get the old fans to go back to the games and the anime, ESPECIALLY THE VERY ANIME, if they ever left due to them being tired of the same sort of storyline structure. I'm really looking forward to the alola challenges.

22 Poke Pelago
23 Team rocket winning

They deserve this its been 20 years for them always losing

24 Lillie
25 Vulpix Vulpix, known in Japan as Rokon, is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.
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