Top 10 Things to Create World Peace

We need world peace now! Check out this list and add more ideas, guys.
The Top Ten
1 Love

All you need is love! A little goes a long way!

Love is what everyone needs.

2 Good parents

This one is also most necessary

3 Get rid of cannibals

Yep. That one will definitely do the trick. ;-)

4 Lock all criminals up
5 Get rid of all racism
6 Stop shoving religion down people's throats

It's not necessary to make people do this. If you don't want to be religious, fine. If you do, so be it. But don't make anyone change their beliefs.

7 No more wars
8 Helping the homeless
9 End world hunger
10 Education

Education is the most important quality that a person can have. You get so many knowledges and tools that you can use out in the real world.

Education is most powerful key for peace.

The Contenders
11 Get rid of bullies
12 Religious Tolerance
13 Accept people's obsession with nostalgia
14 Widespread media boycott
15 End Rape

Thanks for person who add this, It is true it must be ended

16 Get rid of all the arrogant pop-artists
17 Get rid of Nostalgic Pricks
18 Musical tolerance
19 Accept people's taste in pop music.
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