Top Ten Things People Should Have Learned in School, and Didn't

It's amazing the things adults still do not know. How did they graduate from grade school?
The Top Ten
1 Anger management

I feel like this one is one of the most important one. when you are angry it only gets worse and worse untill you can't come out of it and you hurt the ones around you that you love and if you get really angry at work and break stuff you can be fired.

This is a serious thing to learn , never take your anger out on anyone it is disrepectful and rude and mean and even terrible thing to do . trust me I been there !

They only teach this at special SEL classes in my school (for people who really need extra SEL instruction like me).

2 Different sexualities and genders

Honestly, they don't need to explain *all* genders and sexualities, since they are both limitless to people and we have made different labels in order to have and explain what we experience. A few examples of them such as bisexual, pansexual, panromantic, genderfluid, etc would be good.

Kids should be taught to think critically about sexuality and gender at a young age.

I know! When I came out as bi everyone was confused on what that was. Same as my gender non binary friend

3 How to farm and grow crops

Not everyone is going to grow food and be a farmer but it is interesting learning how to grow some of your own food.

We don't need this unless we want to become a farmer!

4 How to love yourself/take care of your self esteem
5 How to make an appointment
6 Christopher Columbus did not discover America

It all depends on exactly what your definition of "Discover" is.

If it is that an idea, concept, and specific location was brought back to what was [then] where events were being recorded and passed on in written form to our present day, then yes he did, and he deserves some credit for doing so.

Before Christobal Colon, there were any number of Portuguese Call of Duty fishermen, Viking explorers, lost Chinese scientific expeditions, and Egyptian papyrus fleets that were zig-zagging across the globe.

Before that, there were at lest two and perhaps three waves of human migration across the Bering Land Bridge.

The above has been taught for at least 60 years in school, so if you didn't hear it, its probably because you were high.

7 Identity protection
8 How to do taxes

You need to know how to pay taxes in order to be able to live out on your own. More than you'll need to memorize the periodic table anyway...

I did in financial maths, but it was more of the basic stuff.

I feel like most schools already do this but all schools need to

9 The difference between your and you're

It's not that hard...

Your: Used when referring to something that belongs to you.

You're: Short for "you are".

Your: "Your" is telling someone it's them (Your shoes are untied)

You're: Short for "you are" (You're big and chunky)
Get it right!

Damn- a lot of people don't know this and it hurts every time they get it wrong.

10 Humans did not evolve from monkeys

Duh! that's Evolution and there's so much proof on god but none on evolution. Plus there's these stupid scientists that literally make stuff up. I can't believe the number of people that believe in Evolution.

Except that this is actually quite likely to be true. Much scientific evidence helps support the theory of evolution, (fossils, DNA samples, bone structures, etc). And for those of you thinking that because God exists, evolution can't be possible, have you ever thought about the possibility that maybe evolution was actually apart of God's process in making humanity?

The Contenders
11 How to be smart with money

Plenty of adults tend to be aware of this advice but the thing is they can act impulsive and squander lots of money leading to financial instabilities.

12 Knowledge is not the accumulation of facts
13 How to pay a mortgage
14 You don't use apostrophes to make a word plural

Apostrophes are often used in contractions or when referring to something that belongs to another person.

When writing a plural, you don't add an apostrophe before the 's'.

It's basic grammar that you should've learned in the second grade.

What? My teacher never told me that! I'm serious. They never told me...

Wow. You should learn this in 1st grade, not right now.

15 How to get a job

A lot of stuff on here they DO teach you in school but people don't care about it, or just forget it in general. But this one I agree with. There are a lot of people in this world who have graduated high school and college but still can't find a decent job.

It is very important to get a job either way. You won't have money to spend on holidays or birthday gifts. I used to have jobs, like I used to work at Spiral Press and Eddie Bauer. That is until the covid scare of course.

So many people have gone jobless because of these schools, man...

16 The difference between there, their and they're

This is actually taught in school! It's a basic grammatical necessity that needs to be learned. It's probably people who don't pay attention that don't get this.

There: Used when referring to "over there".

Their: Used when referring to something that belongs to them; it's theirs.

They're: Short for "they are".

I was an idiot to think that primary school would teach people this. Why don't 14 year olds don't know this?

17 Alot is not a word

Really? We'll if the word is used so much and people think it's an actual word then it must be classed as a word

I am still in elementary. We have learned all of these, except this one!

There is a lot (see it) of teachers who think that.
I know, I mean a lot.

18 Do your research

The "research skills" I learned at school amounted to nothing more than looking something up on Wikipedia. Please teach students to rigorously explore a subject by themselves, read academic papers, and so on... Also teach them that all sources are biased and need to be engaged critically.

Most of my research knowledge came to be on my own. I am freaking eleven years old.

19 Africa is not a country

Along with the even more common misconception that America is a country, I've definitely encountered quite a few people who thought Africa was a country, and to tell the truth, I used to think it as well when I was little, but Africa is not a country, it's a continent. Same with America. The country is the United States, while America is the continent which the United States is in. The other continents are Asia, Europe, Antarctica, Oceania, and Australia.

More people are beginning to find out that this is wrong. However, I just feel disappointed in my generation when they say that Africa is a country. Africa has 1 billion people, and many distinct cultures. For example, you won't find a Zulu warrior in Morocco.

20 Read the instructions

I always do this. The instructions may take you long to read, but it'll at least save time to fix it than figuring it out on your own. by the way, YouTube tutorials don't really count as instructions, the person could get something wrong in them, which will effect you too.

It's amazing how much stupid stuff people do and how much time they waste because they don't bother to read the words right in front of them.

When you want to cook something you need to pay very close attention to Instuctions , you should learn Instructions eitherwise you will have a serious car crash !

21 Don't plagiarize

My school taught this lesson very frequently. Any essay that was plagiarized from Wikipedia or any other questionable site for information usually either got a 0 or had to be re-done completely. I don't think it just applies to essays, or schoolwork though. Plagiarism in general is a offense that can cause you to get arrested.

In 5th grade we had a musical called "The Case of the Missing Paragraph", it was about how William("Bill") Shakespeare stole a paragraph and how a horrible detective and their assistant(the narrator) solved it.
Everybody had to be in it, EVERYBODY! And I don't know if it's because I have a good memory or something because we went over the play and the concepts so many times I memorized the whole 45-minute musical.

22 How it will help them in life

Even in abstract subjects like Math it's important to give kids a broad view of what it'll help them do later on. Teachers are lazy and just skip this so they can get to things that'll be on the test.

23 You are not special

You are special , special , everyone is special everyone is special in his or her own way oh you are special, special everyone is special , this is what I learned from Barney the Dinosaur . Its very important to learn that you are special at a young age

Everyone is special for their Looks, talents and personality, or is that unique...

If everyone is special then we are all like each other. So no one's special - Unnamed Google User Remade

24 Not all Asians are Chinese

Look at all these Asia countries. Not including Russia, for some reason. Also, New Zealand is part of Oceania.

"India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan, Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan, Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh, Asia, and China, Korea, Japan. Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia, the Phillippine Islands, Taiwan. Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand, then Borneo and Vietnam."

-Yakko Warner

Edit: I'm aware of the song's many flaws and there's probably something wrong with the part I typed up

Seriously! Do you not learn about continents at school?

25 Tax preparation
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