Things That Should Be Added In the Next Pikmin Game

The Top Ten
1 A Green Pikmin

Maybe... Immune to acid?
Or it can revive pikmin who have died and when you use that the green pikmin disappears

Acid resistant pikmin?

2 Play As a Pikmin
3 A Orange Pikmin
4 A Cyan Pikmin
5 A Gray Pikmin
6 Play thru the view of the pikmin thru all 4 games.
7 A Less Greedy Louie
8 A Less Stupid Louie
9 A Less Selfish Louie
10 A More Helpful Louie
The Contenders
11 Parasite Pikmin
12 Rose Pikmin

Green with red eyes and can stick to enemies longer and has thorns on its body

13 Moon Pikmin

Has blue ayes and has cloths has bandana with a moon in the middle and has gloves and boots

14 Magic Pikmin

Can use magic has a wand and bandana it can survive longer then othe pikmin can survive all elements it ha wings and ears and mouth

15 Olimar's Home Planet
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