Top Ten Types of House Cats

The Top Ten
1 Calico

I LOVE the way the colors of the calico cat's fur looks!

I know it's not a TYPE of cat but I still love them.

A magical cat breed

2 Maine Coon
3 Munchkin
4 Bengal Cat
5 Siamese Cat The Siamese cat is one of the first distinctly recognized breeds of Asian cat. Derived from the rtgs: wichianmat landrace, one of several varieties of cat native to Thailand, the Siamese became one of the most popular breeds in Europe and North America in the 20th century.

The most beautiful cat of all time.

6 Ragdoll The Ragdoll is a cat breed with blue eyes and a distinct colorpoint coat. It is a large and muscular semi-longhair cat with a soft and silky coat.
7 Savannah Cat
8 Persian Cat
9 Siberian Cat
10 Turkish Angora The Turkish Angora is a breed of domestic cat. Turkish Angoras are one of the ancient, natural breeds of cat, having originated in central Turkey, in the Ankara region.
The Contenders
11 Tabby cat
12 Black Cat
13 Russian Blue The Russian Blue is a cat breed that comes in colors varying from a light shimmering silver to a darker, slate grey.
14 British Shorthair The British Shorthair is the pedigreed version of the traditional British domestic cat, with a distinctively chunky body, dense coat and broad face.
15 Folded Scottish
16 Pixie Bob

They are a bobcat and some other cat breed hybrid and they like to go outside and love water.

17 Tuxedo Cat
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