Top Ten Underrated Overwatch Characters

The Top Ten
1 Symmetra Symmetra is a playable character appearing in the 2016 video game Overwatch, a first-person shooter video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.

I have played as Symmetra really well. Her turrets help me to attack the opposing team and have less chance of dying. Also she can heal herself very quickly and er barrier is good as protection and can hit the other team if it goes through them giving them enough damage for Symmetra to defeat them. Also her shield generator (ultimate) is good as a defense mechanism as it defends and gives more helf to the team and her teleporter (ultimate) is good to return to the objective and can be a huge help for the team and disadvantage for the opposing team. So underrated. Please give her a chance!

Yeah, I love playing as Symmetra. I think her main fire is cool how it gets more powerful over time, and her sentry turrets, when placed strategically, can be really deadly to the other team.

Symmetra is a very capable defense hero, excelling at weakening and slowing enemies with her turrets, even though she's still the worst support in the game.

She kicks butt, and you don't have to aim. She can teleport u to a capture point, turrets distract, and she can penetrate reinserts shield. Sounds good to me.

2 Winston

Winston has the lowest DPS in the game, low armor, and a relatively weak barrier.

But his extremely powerful jump pack and omnidirectional shield make him excel at eliminating supports/snipers, since he can hit multiple enemies at the same time and doesn't really need to aim to hit them.

When I use Winston, I don't think. I just act like a jerk to the opposing side.

Winston is one of my mains. He is very powerful because of the jump pack

I change my mind his great against Genji at least he does serves as useful in that regard.

3 Zarya

While not tanky enough to be the primary tank on a team, Zarya is arguably the best secondary tank in the game. Her shiled projection and ranged beam make her devastatibg in the right hands.

Probably the most underused character. I barely ever see a Zaria in a match even though she can be extremely powerful in the right hands.

So underrated. One of the best ultimates in the game by far.

Her ultimate is really powerful combined with'ult or tracers ultimate

4 Mei

My favorite hero is dead mei

5 Ana Ana is a playable character appearing in the 2016 video game Overwatch, a first-person shooter video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.

Ana is so underrated but so many people just think she’s bad because she actually takes skill to play. Ana has one of the highest healing potential in the game if you can aim well. Her biotic grenade is so powerful if there’s a Zenyatta, a lucio, and its just very powerful. Her sleep dart is a great defense. her super is soooooo strong if used on the right person. I wish she got more credit. Give this Egyptian grandma some love.

6 Roadhog Roadhog is a playable character appearing in the 2016 video game Overwatch, a first-person shooter video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.

No. Road hog is the most overused and overpowered character in the game. I mean, come on, he has 600 health, can heal himself, can bring enemies right up to him with practically no way to escape (unless you’re playing as Moira, where you can use her fade), and his weapon, while close range, is extremely deadly. He’s even worse than Bastion (who isn’t really that bad because his lack of mobility makes up for his amount of damage he deals)

He is so OP and over used!

7 Reinhardt
8 Sombra Sombra is a playable character appearing in the 2016 video game Overwatch, a first-person shooter video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.

People seemed to have thought of her as weak, but as long as she is played right, Sombra is a forced to be reckoned with! Boop.

All of the Books

9 Bridgette
10 Zenyatta

Tons of damage and a great healer

The Contenders
11 Mercy

Mercy is the best solo healer in the game due to her sheer versatility and high survivability without sacrificing healing power or damage capability.

If you have a good mercy you can do a lot of things but people choose her just to kill people not to heal

Yeah I know a mercy that's a friend of mine he don't flipping heal he FRIKIN GOES BATTLE MERCY

Mercy is one of my favorite heroes to play as.

12 Hanzo Hanzo Shimada is a playable character appearing in the 2016 video game Overwatch, a first-person shooter video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.

Hanzo is not truly underrated, but is still all around fantastic! With proper training, he can simply annihilate any army in his way. His scatter arrows can literally one shot a roadhog!

Probably shouldn't be on this list. He is like one of the most overpowered characters in the game.

Can kill you in two shots and people think he is the worst or one of the worst, he is a better Sniper than Widowmaker and Ana.

Not even sure why he is on this list because he can just be OP in the right hands e.g. mine

13 Torbjorn

Torb can excel at supporting his team with armor, and his turret can excel at killing or weakening unexpecting enemies, locking down an area. His primary/secondary fire is also devastatingly powerful.

Hard Work Pays of

14 Tracer Tracer is a playable character appearing in the 2016 video game Overwatch, a first-person shooter video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.

Tracer isn't underrated, she's on the cover of the game, she's the most played character of the game.

.-. Not underrated, Children, she's number 1 on top ten best characters

15 Oriza

Wattpad @melodramas_

The most underrated hero in all of Overwatch.

I got the game recently and when I tried out this game before getting it, I fell in love with Orisa. Now I'm pretty much an Orisa main.

Yet, nobody plays her. No appreciation from the fandom. No one really hates her, but be honest - why the heck is Hanzo on this list? People love to play him, and he's overrated. I'm not saying that because he's hard, I'm saying that because you can choose a better hero. Just my opinion.

Your team will love you when you set down your Supercharger.

Plus, all that health, all that rapid fire, the protective barrier... Yeet.

16 Bastion Bastion is a playable character appearing in the 2016 video game Overwatch, a first-person shooter video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.
17 Moira

So underrated... She's very good at picking off weakened enemies that are trying to escape.

18 D.Va D.Va is a playable character appearing in the 2016 video game Overwatch, a first-person shooter video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.

Not underrated

19 Widowmaker Widowmaker is a fictional, playable villain hero appearing in the 2016 video game Overwatch, developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. Introduced in November 2014 at BlizzCon, Widowmaker made her debut in Overwatch, released in May 2016.
20 Junkrat

Taco person get out of silver then and you wont see him

21 Ashe Ashe is a playable character appearing in the 2016 video game Overwatch, a first-person shooter video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.
22 Echo
23 McCree McCree is a playable character appearing in the 2016 video game Overwatch, a first-person shooter video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.
24 Reaper Reaper is a playable character appearing in the 2016 video game Overwatch, a first-person shooter video game developed by Blizzard Entertainment.

This character is amazing but people on another list rated it the 5th worst

25 Genji

Not underrated

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