Top Ten Universal Languages

There are certain "languages" spoken by all cultures and nations. Thank-you to PositronWildhawk for the inspiration. This is the most difficult list I've ever compiled, and I could only think of seven, but I'm sure you'll come up with more.
The Top Ten
1 Music

Every culture has its own unique style, but if music is good enough, you should feel the lyrics, even if they are in a foreign language.

2 Expression

Music is OK, but one time I listened to a song in Spanish and did not know what the heck anything meant. Expressions however can show people exactly what you mean.

Emotions are the same throughout the world! We just have different words describing them =)

So much can be read simply from a smile or the eyebrows.

3 Mathematics

Different numbering systems, but the fact remains that two and two always equal four!

It helps me with communicating with my Vietnamese friend.

I'd bet PositronWildhawk would vote for this

4 Posture

Even from behind, you can instantly gauge someone's confidence level or how they are feeling.

5 Motions

I agree with and like this one, beatles. Non-verbal communication is its own universal language.
Can't tell much from an expressionless, motionless person though. And there are a few of us, er, those about!
And any doctor can tell a lot from a person's 'motions' too - indeed, anywhere in the world!

Something in the way someone moves can often tell you a lot.

6 Love

Indeed, Britgirl (I'm guessing you added this), love is a universal language.

I didn't add it because I knew you would...haha! No, somehow I forgot to include love! But I'm glad you remembered.

Hello again, Beatles. You know me so well... ! Why didn't YOU add it?

7 Dumbshow

Consisting primarily of hand gestures, this is probably most often used between fishermen: "He was this big! "

8 Photographs
9 Emoticons
10 Touch

That warm kiss on the forehead or that soft caress of a young one will immediately let you know who cares about you.

The Contenders
11 Dance
12 Middle Finger
13 Images
14 Money
15 Art

Art is spoken by the whole world, and it knows no boundaries.

16 Laughter
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