Ways Justin Bieber Copies Michael Jackson

The Top Ten
1 Crotch grab

I would put this at number 1 because JB has a terrible crouch grab and JB also has all of these tattoos and makes him look like a punk

JB is such a failure, even he has to try to copy a legend to make himself feel good about himself!

Maybe Justin Bieber likes Michael Jackson.

2 6 of the same poses

Why you are comparing justin bieber with michael jackson (R.I. P)? Michael jackson was a king and he created a music and a genre I'm not a fan of MJ but I can't deny that he is a legend...

3 Taking jacket off on stage
4 2 of the same costumes
5 Same jacket
6 Guitar smash
7 Glasses
8 Similar music video

If you watch JB's baby video and MJ's the way you make me feel video you will see a similarity with the boy chasing the girl

9 Finger gestures
10 Peace sign
The Contenders
11 Same hat
12 Armband
13 Tiptoe stand
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