Top Ten Ways Your Friends Make You Mad

This list is dedicated to my best friend Bobby and my annoying brother Max
The Top Ten
1 Repeat the same stuff nonstop

This person copied my list 'top ten ways friends are annoying'

Like apple and stuff

2 Make an insulting song about you

Here I am, Moses is a homosexual. God I hate that

3 Stab you to make you mad

Like Bobby and my brother does

4 Call you a cheater for no reason
5 Play a song you hate

My friend does this all of the time as a joke.

6 Cuss all the time

My brother has anger issues on Call of Duty

7 Call you gay

I do this and then she say "You wish" with a creepy face

8 Talk about your private parts
9 Touch you in a weird way
10 Make fun of your favorite TV character

Like Eevee and Pokemon in general

The Contenders
11 Borrow something and don't return it
12 Ignore you
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