Top Ten Weirdest Dreams That TopTenners Have Had

The Top Ten
1 I dreamt I was on a bouncy castle when a gingerbread man with a chainsaw came in and started cussing me out in Korean (Garythesnail)

I wasn't kidding, it really happened in the dream! So funny but so weird.

Even more funny than my brother getting arrested for stealing a COOKIE!

What... the... heck?! This is the weirdest one here! By far!

Mine are weirder, though this is hilarious.

2 I dreamt my family were flying. An eagle then swooped down and ate my mother (Pug)

I would hate to see a close family member get eaten by an eagle. That sounds terrifying.

That's terrible! :( I would feel so sad if an eagle attacked any member of my family.

It's so bad to have a family member eaten by bird, and I'm being serious.

Oh my god, this was the Pug account! Puga should start using this one again

3 I dreamt i was sitting in a room when someone came in and turned into a flying baboon (PatrickStar)
4 I was dreaming I was leading an army of dancing koalas (PositronWildhawk)

I tell no lie. Also, the techno track that was playing on my iPod outside of the dream was the background music in the dream, making it yet stranger.

Dance Koalas! Dance! Rule Japan! Listen to techno while you're at it!

Go, my dancing koalas! Go and RULE THE WORLD!

The awkward moment you lose a war.
To dancing koalas.

5 I dreamt of a twerking cookie (JaysTop10List)

Jesus... And I thought my dreams were weird.

I would not want to eat that cookie.

Lol. What the heck?

Go back to bed.

6 I had a dream where some woman was coaching Tennis to some girl. She then sat down and graphically gave birth to a bunch of office supplies... (ryanrimmel)

Imagine a woman in labor, about to give birth, and a bunch of staplers, pens, and paper came out. And it was more graphic than anyone wants to know.

I have no clue why I had this dream

This makes my dreams look peaceful. Like, how... I don't even wanna know.

Dear lord, I don't even want to know what that looks like.

I don't know how the react

7 I dreamt my house was being invaded by Jewish rectangles (Garythesnail)

Someone needs to draw this.

-A house with a bunch of rectangles wearing Yamakas telling people to bow down.

8 I dreamed that a guy in a brown yo gabba gabba muno costume chased me (mirainikkiyunogasai)

Oh my, how time flies! I remember watching that show when I wasn't studying yet! And look at me now... I'm in 9th grade, uggh.

Seriously. When I was seven or eight this happened.

That must be horrifying.

9 I dreamt that I was at the beach and my dad threw condoms on the table and said there was a party at the other side of town. Everyone was going. It was really a tsunami. My sisters old teacher came in and said "use minecraft to survive" (Anonymouschick)

Had this last night from the day I put this. It was really dumb and yet very scary with 1000 tsunamis

10 I dreamt that Sesame Street characters were singing Linkin Park (DarkMatter1997)

Childhood ruined, or best thing to imagine...? I'm confused.

The Contenders
11 I dreamed that my dog was robotic and he was trying to kill me with donuts (Letdot52)

I had a similar dream when I was 11, except in my dream, my mom was chasing me around with a knife and kept saying "it's time to die" as I ran away and jumped out of one of the windows and kept running.

If you eat too many donuts you will get diabetes and then die from it

I wouldn't do that. I would eat the donuts!

Lol. How can you die from donuts?

12 I dreamt a grandma was trying to shoot me (Simpsondude)

I had a dream that was similar. I was at my grandma's house with my buds and she went "you kids get off my lawn! " And tried to run me over with a lawn mower. It got worse when my mom said I deserved to die. (In the dream, my mom would NOT say that in real life)

She tried to shoot me in the head but missed then she started chasing me

How ironic I read when the person down said a tractor I saw a tractor on my T.V.

13 I had a recurring dream where a pig owned a house on the hillside, and just stared at me and wouldn't respond. Then the house slid down the small hill, then it appeared back on the hill with about 10 poodles singing together. (ryanrimmel)

I was 3-4, and I clearly remember being terrified of this dream, and I have no clue why, this is something people just can't write.

Why is the pig staring at me...?

Oh my gosh, that is so weird!

14 I dreamt the world ended and I was in a weird replica of earth (CerealGuy)
15 I dreamt that I met Britgirl (Wolftail)

It's true! And I still remember half of it!

Haha funny what did she look like

What are you a wolf?

Good dream.

16 I dreamt that I was being chased through the woods by a snowman and Marilyn Manson Once (Jonerman)
17 I dreamt I was molested by a dancing pineapple with a Jamaican accent (bobbythebrony)

I don't want to see another pineapple for the rest of my day...

(Refuses to comment on this)

Lol! That cracked me up the most!

What the heck is that?

18 I dreamt that I was dancing like a turtle and performing Ray of Light and punching Miley Cryus in the face and her security guard, which was a sock, cussed me out ( JaysTop10List)

I can't stop laughing at these weird dreams.

I was on drugs back then, don't ask.

19 I dreamt about 3 guys burning down our family house cause they thought my brother was racist (Mumbizz01)

This by far is the most racist dream i ever had.

20 I had a lucid dream where I somehow knocked all my front teeth out when I was waking up. I spent a long time looking underneath the mattress and under my pillow to find my teeth, I found them, and woke up when I was about to tell my mom. (ryanrimmel)

When I woke up and discovered I still had teeth, I got the same feeling that kids get when they find money on the ground.

21 I had a dream where Donald Trump was president, and revealed that his brother was a slice of cheese (Emberflight_of_StormClan)

What's weird is not he's the president

Hey, he is president

22 I dreamt my science teacher gave me a haircut in class (drdevil)

My 6th grade English teacher would sometimes threaten kids by saying "I'm going to cut your hair" when someone misbehaved. He even showed us his electric hair razor in front of the entire class.

23 I dreamt I walked into my classroom to find everyone on drugs (DatIrishman)

If this happened to me, I'd say, "another normal school day," and find my seat and sit in it. You've probably guessed it: I personally think that most of my classmates are on drugs in real life. Seriously, they act INSANE!

That happens to me in real life all of the time...

That must have been an interesting dream

Holy crap, do you realise that some classes are acutally like this?

24 I dreamt my brother stole a cookie and got 25 years in jail (Turkeyasylum)

Your brother probably stole it from Cookie Monster to get that big of a punishment.

I wish that was reality when my cousins steal stuff

Wow, the sugar tax is more serious than I thought.

Laugh out loud that is funny.

25 I dreamt my whole house was full of dinosaurs and giant plants (Kiteretsunu)

This one I had just two days before yesterday (from the time this list is first published).

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