Bloody Hatred #3: The "Rap Rant" Rap

Hey everyone, this is DarkenedBrutality.
Today I'm gonna rant with animosity.
This is episode 3 of Bloody Hatred,
On a genre of music making me frustrated.
I'm gonna rant about rap today.
That's worse than Pop, Country, and Reggae.
This is a genre that everyone hates.
The Bloody Hatred of rap Awaits.

This is the Rap Rant Rap.
That's the twist of this episode.
This is the Rap Rant Rap.
It's a hatred overload.

I'm gonna cuss a million times.
Fork these sticks and eat my dimes.
Rap is obnoxiously explicit.
I hate forking butts you little biscuit.
Brutality here with some dirty music,
Because rap music is just abusing,
Dirty language and references,
Terrible grammar, and every song
Is the exact same, no differences.
Rap music is just forking wrong.
I'm gonna use autotune like other rappers,
And hopefully I make no stupid scrappers,
While destroying and wrecking every pop song,
And make no sense by saying "Bing Bong".
I'm talentless and lazy, and write crap beats,
And all I forking do is talk to elites.

This is the Rap Rant Rap.
That's the twist of this episode.
This is the Rap Rant Rap.
It's a hatred overload.

I'm pretty sure those elites were not stupid,
And by that I mean no rappers who were proven,
Themselves worthy of being hated on this rant rap,
Whose music is a bunch of crap.
They have no talent, whatsoever.
Their music will be infamously known forever.
All they do is talk to an uncreative beat,
About the most inappropriate, explicit things.
Their goal is to ruin the music industry.
Now do you see why they get this infamy?
Even Blood on the Dance Floor is better than this.
Lets send these rappers into the abyss,
And wipe all rap music from the face of Earth.
Magnets and Rainbows, what are they worth?
Forget it because I'm not gonna talk about it,
You forking piece of sticks who like this spit.

This is the Rap Rant Rap.
That's the twist of this episode.
This is the Rap Rant Rap.
It's a hatred overload.

Brutality out.


I'm not a rap fan but I don't hate the whole genre. Otherwise good rant. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas's radio stations have made me more interested in rap. - Skullkid755

I don't either. There are a few good rap songs, but most of it is garbage. - visitor

The Twist of this episode part I had put in because every now and then I said I would add some twist, and for this one, it was turning the rant into an actual rap since I'm ranting about rap, instead of using my normal formatting. - visitor

Not all modern rap is like this. Just nu-crunk... - ProPanda

This was funny. I can understand people's dislike for rap but I always look at rap music differently. - visitor

Lol - WonkeyDude98

Cool. - visitor

And your blog post title looks creative - visitor