Top Ten Worst Ores In Minecraft

The Top Ten
1 Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli sucks. It only makes dye, and that's it! Couldn't it be more useful? It sounds like Minecrafter creators needed more ore and decided to dump Lapis in and were too lazy to make a purpose to they made it into dye!

Great for enchanting! not much else though. now I've enchanted all of my useful items and armor with a bunch of lapis left over. I just don't know what to do with it

They should have just made a blue flower that makes blue dye. How come red and yellow dye comes from a flower

Not worth it because it is as rare as diamonds and it is only used for dye and enchanting. Lapis Is USELESS

2 Gold

Gold tools and armor should be stronger than iron but weaker than diamond. That includes durability, mining speed, attack damage, and protection

Gold is just terrible. It sucks, it's worse than WOOD, that a problem. Other than making crappy tools and armor, it is useless!

The Reason Why It's Worse Than Wood Is Because It's Somewhat Hard To Find.And Wood Is Found Almost Anywhere On Dirt.It Breaks So Easily You Would Think It's Made From China.

Gold is only helpful in Minecraft pe to make the nether reacter, plus the tools are like wooden tools.

3 Redstone

Redstone can be REALLY useful when you know what to do. I mean you can make an mob grinder, or an automatic cactus farm. It's so fun to use. People who voted for this are noobs and they need to try it out and look for tutorials. Redstone DOES NOT deserve to be 2nd

Redstone is actually useful, haven't you all seen the Minecraft YouTube videos for redstone? You can make really cool stuff!

Red stone is very useful. It is used to create redstone circuits to make machines.

Redstone is best you can make a diamond/emerald farm with it.

4 Emerald

I have over 1000 emeralds and a lot more diamonds so I don't know what to do with the emeralds

If you don't have a villiage to trade with it's just an expensive green nugget to show off to your friends with.

Emerald sucks as well. It's purpose is for villager trading, kind of boring..

Emeralds are only used to trade with villagers They're not that useful

5 Coal

COAL IS ACTUALLY USEFUL! No coal means no torches! What would you do if you were trapped in a cave with no light? What WOULD YOU DO?

I think coal IS useful! WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT COAL! That would mean no more torches. WE NEED TORCHES TO SEE WHEN WE ARE MINING! Or whenever it's dark.

Coal is very useful. Without it you couldn't craft torches or smelt ores


6 Nether Quartz

Emeralds can be used for Trading
Gold can be used to make Apples
Redstone can be used to make things easier
Coal can be used to smelt stuff
Iron is required to get Gold and Diamond
Diamonds can get you to the nether

But Nether Quartz and Lapiz Lazuli are USELESS IN SURVIVAL!

I don't even know what you can make with nether Quartz. It's useless

Too dangerous to find

7 Diamond

WHO PUT DIAMOND AS USELESS? Diamond is the strongest! It build cool weapons and stuff! Plus, ITs cool to look at!

I have to agree once you have all the tools and armor and an enchanting table then there really is no point

This is very useful for so many reasons it would take me an essay to list them all!

Who would take away diamonds?

8 Iron

What are you talking about. Iron ore can be used to make iron tools, weapons, armor and so many other useful things. And it's so easy to find.

It's so hard to find then it gives you nothing

9 Copper

What would the point of Redstone be

Copper ore doesn't exist

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