Ten Worst Religions

The Top Ten
1 Islam

Anyone who says Islam is a religion of peace is completely wrong! The Quran allows the killing of nonbelievers, otherwise known as infidels. Their prophet Muhammad is also a pedophile, rapist, adulterer, and mass murderer of war. I don't know how Muslims believe that their Allah is all-loving when he literally teaches them that the killing of nonbelievers is okay, and then they claim that Islam is peaceful.

There are some Muslim sects that are peaceful. There are many civilized Muslims in the western world. Pity that they are the vast minority. Pity that they defend the actions and thoughts of the majority. Pity that they are targets of the more violent sects. Any person who believes underage marriage and stoning women are god given rights should be classified as extremist. By their actions people are killed same with their inaction. Islam is the worst religion for no thought is allowed.

2 Scientology

I was under the impression that religion, any religion was about having faith and believing in something that gave you a certain sense of security, or something to point you in the right direction. To teach people things, or guide them, usually for nothing buy loyalty and devotion, not charge you money for ridiculous things. I mean I don't think their actual message is particularly dislikable, I'm not really convinced about the things they believe, much like other religion, but I think (and I'm not at all an expert in religion, so If I'm wrong correct me or something) that there aren't many religions that require money for they're services...

How in the world do people consider Islam and Christianity to be worse than this? At least Christianity and Islam have good intentions, and despite the fact that there are many people who commit horrible actions in the name of Christianity and Islam, there are many more people who see those extremists as disgraces to their respective religions. Do you think most Islamics support people like Osama Bin Laden? Do you think most Chrisitians support people like Jim Jones? No! Because they know they they do not represent their respective religions. They pervert the teachings of the religion to justify violence and manipulation.

Now ask yourself, how many Scientologists call out people who brainwash others, who infiltrate government databases to spy on people they perceive as threats, who force people to break off contact with non-scientology family members, or who stalk and harass people who try to leave the church? How many Scientology members try to speak out against injustices performed in the name of Scientology? Nobody. They are too brainwashed themselves, and anyone who tried to speak out against the church is silenced. Oppression and manipulation is an natural part of the Church of Scientology, and while there are peaceful sects of Christianity and Islam, Scientology is a religion you should just avoid completely.

3 Christianity

This religion has been around 2000 years. I couldn't take it anymore! This religion ruined half of my life! Even they kill for middle ages and even later years. My step dad was a Christian, and on weekends when I was a kid, he had to make me read the boring bible instead of having fun with others. I have to be Christian or else I get disrespected and trashed. Oh yeah I bet 90% people didn't know about the Bible! You know what they mentioned? Unicorns, magic, witches, and never mentioned dinosaurs! The worst mistake is that Jesus is a regular human. But idiots a long time ago took him as a god. I hope this religion goes away because all they do is wanting to dominate the world!

4 Jehovah's Witnesses

I was raised in this cult. I was taught that being born a "sinner" meant that I wasn't deserving of love or kindness. I deserved to die. As a child I was told that God was soon going to slaughter every man, woman and child who was not one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I would spend many nights crying myself to sleep as a child feeling that God was going to kill me too at Armageddon. I was told that anyone outside of this religion is evil and controlled by Satan and all deserved to be killed by Jehovah. As a result, I was not allowed to make friends with anyone outside of the congregation. Even within the congregation an environment of paranoia and fear gripped the members and friendships were often limited. It was a lonely, scary and very dark childhood and I am still working to undo the damage.

Garbage social infection. The only treatment is reasonable open-minded thinking. Interestingly enough, this is prohibited from within the organization as they place almost no value on secular knowledge and try to discourage education in its youth. Many of my friends in the cult were obliged to homeschool and as a result experienced unnecessary difficulty later in life.

The number of people I personally know who have been detrimentally affected or even damaged by this religion I can not count on my hands (and I don't know that many people). Lost one friend to suicide, and know of many other youth who have taken their lives or fell victim to mental illness and/or drug abuse after their family disowned them.

Politically they are pacificists with little chance of directly harming others unlike radicalized forms of religion. This is probably the reason they are tolerated.

5 Westboro Baptist

I can't take these people seriously. Whenever they're brought up into a discussion, I laugh internally.

First off, they're not a real church. If they're really a church because they have the word "church" in their name, then I guess Church's Chicken is a church, too! They're really a hate group led by some cantankerous old man named Fred Phelps, and his daughter, Shirley.

Second, they're real hypocrites. Remember when they tweeted that Steve Jobs was "a man who taught sin" from an iPhone? Also, the U.S. supreme Court ruled in favor of the hate group to protest funerals. So, if it weren't for the "good old" U.S. of A., they wouldn't have publicity. But guess what? "God Hates Amurica! "

Also, there's been a big movement in gay marriage recently, but during the highly public moment, all the Westboros did were heckle a young lemonade stand owner and protest a Taylor Swift concert. A huge gay rights movement and all they could think of was Taylor Swift? Are you sure Fred Phelps isn't a closet gay?

What's funny to me is how they're getting a bad reputation as one of the most evil groups of all time. In reality, the only thing they've ever accomplished in their life was just holding signs. No matter how homophobic or anti-Semitic, they've only... Held up signs. That's it. No Westboro actually killed someone. Instead, they just say that God "killed" the victims, which only proves that they're dumb and can't read the Bible.

Also, there's actually a number of people who left the group. Upon discussing this, I must mention that there are only about 40 real members, to be specific, the extended Phelps family and no one else. And when someone in the family disapproves of their beliefs, they're banished from the fam. But it's actually nice, since they start new lives and all that.

So, there you have it the Westboro Baptist Cult in a nutshell.

6 Satanism

A "religion" that people don't seem so hate for some reason. Why would they worship the Devil we'll never know. Perhaps because for them they believe evil is good and good is bad. They are evil subhumans who commit vile things in the name of Satan. They also want people to be like them; to be like demons who love Satan and hate God. Satanists and any demonic devil worshippers have no place in the world. They need to change their religion if they don't want people to hate them. If not, they need to be locked up forever so they will no longer be able to spread their depraved Satan ideals to rot other people's brains.

This is singlehandedly the worst religion in all of existence. The mere fact that they worship Satan is already evil enough. There are people who hate atheists because they think they "worship Satan" but they don't seem to hate Satanists who truly worship Satan. People really look for stupid excuses just to justify their hatred of something. There's nothing good about the pure evil "religion" Satanism; the only good thing about Satanism is that its mere existence shows us who are indeed truly evil. Satanists and its creator are spawns of Satan and have no use for society other than being the most depraved and vile people in the world, much like rapists, serial killers, murderers, etc.

7 Wahhabism

As a Muslim, I agree and hate that not many other people know what Wahhabism is. They encourage fighting with other muslims, use the hadith more often than the Qur'an and give women no rights when plenty of Muslim women such as Fatima Al-Fihri and Rufayda Al-Aslamiyah have done great things throughout history. They are a plague upon this earth and a scourge onto the Ummah.

The evil of our days. These terrorists will kill you and your family without a second thought. If you are not one of them, they will kill you.

This is a good example of how insane religion can become.

Here you go to heaven. You just need to behead a few and then you're good to go. And this not some scene of Game of Thrones. They actually behead people in Saudi Arabia with swords. Let alone ISIS which torture-kill with knife.

8 Mormonism

Mormonism makes you feel trapped and forced to live your life a certain way. No one should have to be put through it like I am. I'm 15 and I'm not out of the house yet and still under my parents rules, but why are they trying to make me miserable, why are they forcing me to live THEIR way (the LDS church way)? I should be able to choose my lifestyle now, and not have to wait until I take care of myself. I understand certain house rules but when it comes to religion, I don't see why I can't make that decision for myself. I feel so emotionally abused and feel like they expect so much of me when all I wish to do is be myself and do things the way I feel is good to me, no matter the consequences.

Say what bad things you will about Mormonism, but when Mormons marry within their faith they have the lowest divorce rate of any group in the country: Protestantism 38% Mormons 7%. And the girls, being mostly Caucasian and upper middle-class, are the most beautiful of any religion, so much so that a term has been coined for them called "The Mormon Glow". Look it up. Go up to Salt lake City sometime. All you see at BYU are these beautiful young girls and they all want husbands. Your odds of attracting a beautiful Mormon girl if you're a good-looking guy are very high and when they marry they want to marry for life, unlike Christianity. Honestly, if you're looking to meet a beautiful girl with good morals who wants children and wants to settle down with a guy for life, convert to Mormonism, enroll in BYU and take popular subjects like sports, music, and social studies. You'll meet a nice girl and be married in a year.

9 Hinduism Hinduism is an Indian religion or dharma, a religious and universal order to which Hindus abide. It is the world's third-largest religion, with over 1.2 billion followers, or 15–16% of the global population, known as Hindus. The word Hindu is an exonym, and while Hinduism has been called the oldest religion in the world, many practitioners refer to their religion as Sanātana Dharma, which refers... read more

I mean what up with millions of gods? There is a god for every little thing, this is the biggest crap and the stupidity level is very high. Most of the people who follow this religion do all kinds but it's not their fault for they have been misguided by the wrong people. Every thing is holy in this religion, I'm not against this religion but common this is stupidity. Just see India for example so many people blindly following what ever they are told by there stupid masters. Even monkeys are God, stones are Gods, nobody has seen the gods but these people know exactly what god looks like or I should say Gods. Some stupid dumb good for nothing people past 1000 years started some crappy rumor saying he knows god and all and it is followed by dumb people till now. There is no any evidence of the statues you are praying to really exist. BAKA!

Hinduism isn't a religion in itself it is practiced as a part of sanatan dharma which dates back some 5000 years, they believe in one supreme god but their gods have from time to time taken avatars to wipe out evil and restore peace in the world. This is the only religion which represents living beings alone. This is the only religion where god has incarnated in all forms from fish to turtle to a boar and then human form. It's texts are more scientific they used their vedic mathematics to predict some very complex astronomical phenomena with pin point accuracy, speed of light possibility of time travel weapons of mass destruction inabsolute time are few of the postulates you would find the text only to be proven true thousands of years later. Through them came the 9th avatar lord budhha whome entire world respects. They started world's first medicine system ayurveda, they gave yoga for healthy living the list can go on forever but I will limit myself rest is for readers to decide.

10 Theistic Satanism

Are these the "occultic" satanists or those "satanists" who are just plain nontheists? If the former then yea stay away from their teachings, my dad got a trailer that had some in it before and he was pretty sure it was haunted, it also was rat infested and either it or the other trailer on the same lot had pictures where the satanists would drive nails in their hands and stuff. Note he is tough as nails and he got scared of that trailer, and would check in the closets to see if there was something there...it was that bad.

If it was the other then they are not so bad, they just call themselves that for some reason.

In mediaval ages they would be burnt for witchcraft. Harry potter worships satan.

1) Satanism is amazing(no matter what type)? 2)Why the hell do you have two types of it?

The Contenders
11 Roman Catholicism

I have seen people blaming this religion saying that it caused disasters. It's not the religion that caused it, it's the people who caused it. Jesus has always told us to be kind and help others. It's not a corrupted religion. It's not the religion's fault when people deny to give charity. Whatever religion a person has, it's always the same. Whether a person gives charity or not, whether a person behaves properly or not, it all depends on the person's character, not their religion. We have never been taught to do bad things. We were always told to live a sinless life and help those who are in need. What's wrong with that? People are just too stupid to understand this. What's wrong in living according to the ten commandments? It's doesn't harm people in any way. I am not saying that everyone should be converted to Catholics. I don't encourage those sorts of things. People are free to choose their own religions and live a good and sinless life. I am just saying that people should never ever insult a good religion. This world had come to a very corrupted state. First people started having multiple sex partners, next it's homosexuality and now it's incest! That would never have happened if people behaved according to their religions. People are moving away from their religions on their own will. Why blame the religion for the crimes that people do? In my opinion, RC and Buddhism are the best religions on earth. I am not saying that the others are bad but these two are just perfect.

12 Protestantism

This religion is blasphemous and false. Back when England was A catholic country. Henry the 8th did not want to be part of Catholicism. He wanted to have loads of wives. In the Catholic religion when you get married it is for life, until your partner dies "till death due us part". Then you can re marry, So Henry kept murdering his wives when he got bored so he could have another one. From this He created Protestantism. He took the Catholic bible, chose the bits he liked of it and the bits he didn't like of it. Then made Protestantism and the Church Of England. Allowing divorces, allowing vicars to get married, Instead of swearing allegiance to The Pope you must swear allegiance to The Royal family, He loosened up the word of God all together and altered it to suite his life style. There for it is NOT the word of GOD. Henry the 8th was not Jesus, He was a dirty pervert. The religion is false.

13 Shiite Islam

In different religions such as Islam Christianity...we believe in the same God,just think how can it be possible one prophet is god another bad, one religion is god another is bad,I know there are extremist people who nobble this religion on their benefits and make a bad view of Islam.but it doesn't step down the valu of Islam.just be open minded an respect all religions and their followers because you can be a good one in every religion, this is what I learned from shiite Islam.

Their is no such thing as shiite Islam. They are just religions that connected out from Islam. There is only 1 religion. Islam. Stop all the fighting over Islam. And by the way, I have never heard about this so called " shiite Islam "

Muslims are the dirtiest and most illiterate people out there in world.
They are violent..
Their book is violent.
It says to kill all who don't believe in Islam..
Sick religion

14 Judaism

Judaism should be way further down this list. When was the last time (and forget Israel for a second; that is a sovereign state not a religion) Jews committed a terrorist attack? Or killed someone just for being a non-Jew? Throughout history Jews have been the persecuted, not the persecutors. They've been the victims, not the victimisers. Plus, they have a tiny population but they win umpteen Nobel prizes. That says a lot about how open the religion is towards science.

I'll have you know that we say that jesus is not a profit or whatever. He's simply a magical Jew ;) plus we don't destroy the planet, that's the republicans, whole different animal. Another thing, (I'm sorry, I have to go soon. I have no time for ignorance at this level from others) Jews just so happen to own and control most of the worlds banks. We don't run people dry and bankrupt just because we can, that's the Scientology members. But be careful what you say, a scary Jew might come through your window at night and snort you with his bulbous nose

15 Catholicisim

I'm in this religion. The one who criticize this is Non-Religious, who might have "created" their own religion. Sorry for saying this, but what is the purpose for Non-Religious to criticizes others religions, even if they did not experienced how it is.

But, true, human suddenly rules the religion. But I'm different, I worship the "imaginary creature" in the sky. That's such a words, if you say that, who knows if God is real, Angel is real, etc? And if they real, Idc if you're burned in Hell.

Quick question. Do Catholics read the bile, or just believe every thing the "Father" tells them? Also, do Catholics priase the virgen de guardalupe? I don't understand who that virgin is. There is no proven history on her, true and facts history I should say. Not talking bad, just wondering.

As I young Catholic, I don't agree with everything the catholic church says but what bothers me the most is how catholics don't support gay people. I'm not personally gay but I think people have the right to love whoever they want

16 Zionism

Your land because it was promised by god? Does that give you the right to take over a country and put the people who lives there out of their land? Does that give you the right to killing people who fight against it? The chosen ones by god? You think you're superior or better than the rest of humanity? No wonder that many people hates Jews. History will repeats itself if you're stucked with those attitudes, believe me.

Israel originally offered the Palestinians peace through a two-state solution. The Palestinians rejected this because they wanted all of Palestine. They didn't want to co-exist peacefully with Israel. Plus, Zionism is a religious ideology, not a religion. It is followed by some Jews and not by others. There are even Jewish organisations which are furiously anti-Israel. Zionism exists separately from Judaism.

U people there saying that Palestine should leave Israel alone because Muslims have lots of land, imagine if someone stormed into your house, said it was theirs now because they don't have a house and then started killing your parents or kids... That's exactly what zionists have done to Palestine

17 Nation of Islam

This is not only a homophobic, sexist, nonsensical system, but also one of extreme racism. They believe that all black men are gods and all other ethnicities are below them, with white men being the worst and being demons. They are very anti-Jewish as well. Louis Farrakhan, much like other race-pimps, just takes the money of his members and spreads hate among them and widens the racial divide and makes race relations move backwards. They also have really weird beliefs centered around an invisible mothership in the sky that contains their first few prophets. The theology itself, when not looking at the racism, is entertaining much like any other religion. They preach that a black scientist, Yacub, created white people to destroy the black man and create war and hate, and now in the recent times it is their time to rise up to God status again. At least Luciferianism/satanism preaches that All humans are gods, even while it is a childish belief.

18 Sunni Islam
19 New Age

I'd like to hold you aura in my dreamcatcher whilst hugging this tree with a crystal up my ass.

Maybe not the worst, but one of the most idiotic and nonsensical.

Worser than Islam and Satanism. Most nonsensical religion in the world,

20 Creationism

Indeed too creative

21 Christian Science

There's a fine line between praying and going to see an actual doctor.

A Christian on television who was a scientist.

They don't believe in Sin, Sickness or Death.

22 Branch Davidians

The poor Branch Davidian children. They never asked to be born into such a weird and psychotic cult. I feel sorry for the people and the families who were born into this and were forced to live a life of horror.

More of a cult than a religion that was insane, but the FBI raids on their HQ was also pretty unconstitutional.

This is a cult, not a religion. Fortunately, it's highly self destructive.

23 Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
24 Voodouism

If you're illiterate, don't flinch at the sight of chicken and baby blood and don't have an enquiring mind, this 'religion' may suit you. But then, you won't be reading this advice.

Weird lunatic cult but not the worst of the worst. Just ignorant of science and childish, much like the others!

One of the only few religions I really hate besides Satanism.

25 Shamanism

If you're even secular, you should be wary of shamanism for the fact it involves psychoactive substances that could mess with your head. They're shamans, not medical professionals

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