Top Ten Worst Sounds the Human Body Makes

The Top Ten
1 Vomiting

Listening to someone vomit is absolute torture! One time a very long time ago, A kid in my class said he felt sick, So he was sent to the bathroom, And the things is the bathroom was right across the corner from the classroom and you could hear any body fluid coming from people in those bathrooms. I was trying to take a test and I heard loud gagging and gooey vomiting through the walls! I felt so sick and ill I couldn't focus on my test anymore.

This girl vomited when I took a test, and she did that little burp thing it was so gros I had to cover my ears but I didn't want to be rude and act like she was disrupting me and I felt really bad for her.

2 Farting

There're so many variations in sounds in farts (or trumping) as my nan calls it). I think it funny, especially if it's quiet and someone lets out a little squeaky one. It sets off the whole office.

Seriously, fart jokes are literally easiest laziest comedy there is, and it bothers me to see in otherwise brilliant lives like this.

Me and my friends always like fart on purpose and it was so funny.

3 Snoring

My aunt Dottie has super loud snoring and I woke up one time when I was sleeping with her on a vacation and I couldn't go back to sleep because she was snoring so loudly!

Dear god, its complete hell every time my dad comes over and falls asleep on our couch and overpowers the T.V. in his sleep like nothing...

My opinion on this is 50/50. Sometimes it's funny and I laugh at it, and sometimes it annoys me to death that I can't sleep.

4 Chewing

I am misophonic (hatred of sounds like chewing that is scientifically diagnosed) and have oversensitive hearing-worst combination ever.

This is one of my pet peeves... listening to someone smack their lips while they eat, so annoying

But chewing gum is fun! I can't stop!

5 Screaming
6 Burping

Burps are more disgusting than farts. What's up with farts at #1?! Burps should be on that place!

I can't believe in some other countries people actually burp to say that was so good.

I have misophonia and this along with chewing and snoring drives my brain insane.

7 Whining

It's annoying, especially for little kids.

8 Grinding teeth

Grinding teeth makes a horrible sound.

My brother does it in his sleep.

9 Choking
10 Hiccuping

Hiccup is emmbarresing plus very funny! If you don't believe me then guess what, when it was my birthday and birthday party everyone came and we put a Bremen cheesecake and a melted chocolate cake yum! Instead of everyone sing happy birthday everyone told me to sing it solo and everyone else clap for me. But something happened which was when I begen to sing I hiccup again and again and everyone thought I was singing so they didn't notice I was actually hiccuping. So everyone clap while I was hiccuping. In the end of my hiccup I told everyone I was hiccuping haha! Laugh out loud!

The Contenders
11 Cracking joints

It is one of my biggest habits and I love doing it myself, but I cringe when I hear others do it. Yes, I know, I'm a hypocrite

My brother specialises in doing this to make everyone go crazy. It's uncivilised and purely obscene.

This drives my mom nuts, and my uncle even cracks my sister's toes to upset her...

12 Abdominal/bowel sounds

Why is this not No. 1? Do you enjoy taking a test next to your crush and suddenly the dying whale in your stomach decides to talk?... Yeah, I didn't think so.

I have a bowel problem and have to take Laxido so this happens all the time... In assemblies at school I literally hold my breath and beg for it to not happen!

Its always when the room is full of people and is really quiet when my stomach wants to pretend to be a dying whale. Its really embarrassing

13 Snorting

Humans are not pigs! So stop acting like one!

Snowboarding also sounds really gross.

14 Slurping
15 Coughing

I must sound like hell wherever I go...

16 Sneezing

There are funny sneezes, but most sneezes just sound so bad that I feel like I'm in the middle of a pandemic. I feel bad for myself and apologize to others so bad when I sneeze because it is really hard.

I have a super loud sneeze. Really, it's horrible. Then you feel guilty in school, because everyone's always like...
"(sigh) Bless You... "
Sometimes they don't even waste their time.

It will be even gross if you had a cold. Then there would be gross stuff all over your arm

17 Queefing

Some girls can really carry a tune - let me outta here!

As if girls weren't loud and annoying enough.

18 Collecting phlegm in your mouth

I have a nasal polyp in my left nostril, so when I sneeze during a cold, a bucket's worth of liquid snot comes out because the nostril is blocked.

I have a nasal polyp too, so whenever I have a stuffy nose, it feels like hell.

Does not make sounds, but still feels disgusting.

19 Yawning
20 Moaning

If you do this yeah that's a sex noise no offense.

I can't stand it when in the room right next to me when my parents moan it's so uncomfortable

21 Crying

Sometimes this is just entertaining. It even makes me laugh. Or maybe it just depends on the baby's tune of crying.

Crying is a really annoying sound.

Anyone who's been around babies know that this has to be the most annoying sound

22 Kissing

Especially grown ups repeatedly kissing babies over and over again...

23 Noise your back makes when laying naked on a wooden floor and making your body go up and down
24 Urinating

I hate the sound of urinating it is gross and makes me feel uncomfortable.

25 Defecating
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