Worst Things About the List of Best Body Parts of Justin Bieber

The Top Ten
1 It's super gross

It's so gross it shouldn't be in TheTopTens.

He has no different to what we have

It's gross. I dare her to watch porn.

The list made me feel sick.

2 One of the items is moles

How can you idolize someones moles?

3 It's weird

Stupid and gross. Who even had that idea?!

4 One of the items is nipples
5 It makes no sense
6 One of the items is nails
7 It praises Justin Bieber

This list hates on Justin Bieber when its about a stupid list about some persons body parts.

8 One of the items is fingers
9 It is stupid
10 It wasn't removed

Nah...we all know the beginning all good things would have a downfall

This is the downfall of TheTopTens.

The Contenders
11 It's disturbing

Nipples? Moles? Penis? Testicles?! This disturbs me because of the fact that I don't think Justin has the third and fourth one in that.

12 One of the items is penis

How the hell do you know the size of it, you pervert.

13 One of the items is feet
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