Top Ten Worst Things About the Politicians of the 21st Century

The Top Ten
1 Making terrible choices

This may not be every politician, but some just do before they think. It can lead to disasterous results.

Barrack Obama makes so many terrible choices. Bush actually made better ones.

2 Lying about what they will do

They always say "Hey, we will raise the minimum wage! ", but in reality, they will get themselves more pay.

What's the point of winning an election if you don't plan on doing anything? Gah!

3 Always attacking the other politicians

Each candidate makes the other seem like the worst choice. You can only conclude that none of them are worth voting for.

It seems like these days you find less reasons to vote for a particular side and more reasons not to vote for the other.

There's a different way than to be fierce in competition. But sadly, now adays, if you don't attack the others, you won't get elected.

Obama (insert insult here)!
Hilary Clinton (insert stupid insult here)!
George Bush (insert insult here)!
'enough said

4 Either far left or far right

I consider myself as a center wing person. I hate both left and right.
Right - Too conservative, racist and extremely religious.
Left - Stupid, arrogant and cannot think logically.
Center is the best.

They are either liberal or conservative. If they aren't, they don't get elected. There is not an "in between".

People should think more about the countries need besides their own beneficials, they should think more on howto build a nation than ddestroying it

It's mostly the scary far left that's the problem.

5 Annoying election rallies

It's like a popularity contest in a way. I can easily compare some politicians to Paris Hilton in terms of striving for attention.

6 Political merchandise

Here in the US, people buy endless amounts of things to help a politician with their rallies,

7 They make it seem like an obligation to vote

I can't vote yet, I have to be 18. But, they almost make it look like you HAVE to vote for them.

8 Possible corruption

George W. Bush was once accused of closing liberal voting areas, with help from his brother to win the last state in the election. Not confirmed, but possible.

9 Political parties

One of the worst things that has ever come out of the United States. Now they are everywhere! (Not saying I hate the US or anything, I live there)

10 Taking advantage of the public's ignorance

YESS! People didn't know what assets were so people tried to save them, made Liberal look like the bad guys but they were right! (Making references to QLD election, state in Australia)

The Contenders
11 Not being able to compromise

This is one skill many politicians seem to be lacking, as barely any bills get passed these days.

Thanks for reading!

Best point here, Turkey, in my humble opinion, and good, thoughtful list.

12 They put their own ideology or faith before the interests of the people
13 Racism

Donald trump

14 They regularly take bribes from corporations
15 Socialism
16 Not caring about disabled people
17 They argue and act like children while the world is collapsing around them
18 Ignoring or perverting the Constitution

Get educated

19 Killing their own people

Politicians around the world like Rodrigo Duterte, Nicolas Maduro, Kim Jong Un, Muamar Gaddafi, Barack Obama and Joko Widodo are examples of this.

20 Some Pushed for Brexit
21 They fight too much, and make individuals do so too
22 Historical Revisionism

Education is non-existent and full of LIES.

23 They care about winning elections more than doing their jobs
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