Top Ten Worst Things About Remixes On TheTopTens

Remixes are good but there are some bad things about them.
The Top Ten
1 It isn't considered a list
2 Users can't vote on them

I am glad about this. It is supposed to be sharing your own opinion, not others. I am also glad that other users can't comment on them, because you want the people reading your remix to read your comment, not other people's comments.

I want to vote.

3 You can't have more than ten items on it
4 People can't comment on them
5 You can only put three dishonorable mentions on it

I think one is more than enough. Some people use this to help get their favorites higher on the main list

They need more than 3, I have lists where there is more than 3 items that should be dishonorable mentions

6 Users might not read them

To be honest, I only read remixes on my lists, and I feel that remixing is boring.

7 They don't always submit
8 They are barely recognized
9 Admin could remove them
10 They could get hacked

There's no use of remixes getting hacked.

The Contenders
11 They mess up the original list

I had a few times that the item I put at number 1 moved down to number 2 or 3 after someone remixed the list, it always sucks when number 1 moves down

12 Some remixes user made are ridiculous

I saw this remix of Worst People and Bieber was above hitler in a remix

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