Top Ten Worst Things That Can Happen to a Girl

The Top Ten
1 Getting raped

This is definitely the most cruel thing that can possibly happen to a girl.

This would be terrible and life-scarring.

This happens to guys too, just saying.

This is by far the worst thing ever

2 Get pantsed while wearing no underwear
3 Falling then everyone sees your panties
4 Getting your period during a concert
5 Having hair shaved off

There are girls who do shave their heads, completely by choice.

God that is just cruel your hair helps with your beauty

6 Getting a wedgie in Wonder Woman Underoos
7 Getting a new Bugatti
8 Falling down stairs then shirt falls off

Ugh I hate it when that happens.

9 Being 54 in 6th grade
10 She dies
The Contenders
11 Having sex with another girl on live TV

Hey guy is having sex another it doesn't matter

12 Asks a guy out and he says no

This is when I lose all confidence

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