Worst Things That Can Happen In a School Lunch Period

The Top Ten
1 Tons of people are in front of you in the lunch line

This is why I go to the cafeteria early

This is why I bring my lunch.

I went hungry

2 The person in front of you gets the last one of your favorite food

One last pizza! Then the person in front of you get's it.

3 There's nowhere to sit in the cafeteria

I don’t actually sit in the canteen. In my school, you can sit wherever you want.
I like having somewhere quiet to eat, and the main corridor, which we call The Street, is really noisy, so there is like this quiet room where we can basically relax, I used to really love it, and I would go there pretty much every lunch period, but then loads of noisy kids found out about it, and I had a friend in there who really hates loud noises,
that there was only like 3 kids there when he joined. Now there were like 20-30 kids here.

This happens to me a lot

Just eat on the floor

4 You drop your lunch

One time, I dropped my iced coffee and it spilled all over the floor

5 All of your friends are not in lunch

Barely any of my friends are in my lunch period

6 The bell rings while you're still eating

This happened with me, and I was like this in my mind: I'M STILL HUNGRY!.

I wish the school would give us more time to eat

7 Someone steals your lunch
8 There's no food that you like when you're choosing your food
9 You are forced to sit with someone you hate

My school assigns tables. I hate it because I am with the person I do not like at all in my school.

I don't think this happens a lot

10 The fire alarm goes off

Please, this should be in the Top 5.

Once that happened to me

The Contenders
11 Someone throws up on you
12 Someone starts a food fight

Hmm... it COULD be fun. Not sure, though.

God that'll be the worst!

13 A lockdown of any type happens
14 Too much drama unfolds in the cafeteria

I cannot stand the attention seekers who want everyone's attention by acting immaturely rather than using their words properly.

15 Tornado drill or real tornado
16 You get food poisoning, throw up, etc

Because as we all know, cafeteria food is dangerous.

17 Someone spits in your food
18 A fight (physical or verbal) breaks out between a student and a teacher

I had the unfortunate experience of witnessing a verbal fight and it got ugly.

19 The cooks decide to serve food made by first graders
20 The cook decides to leave and you stand there waiting for someone to serve you
21 You find a bug in your food
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