Top Ten Worst Things to Experience As a Child

Don't kill me because of the order, I just wrote them as they popped into my head, and I'm too lazy to change it. Though, these are all terrible, and I have witnessed a few of these events in my life. It's not very fun to live off of Ramen Noodles, because your mom only has one job that doesn't pay well. Thankfully, she's a pastor now, and we're payed about 3k a month. I hope you didn't have to go through such hardships at a young age.
The Top Ten
1 Seeing one of your parents cry

You know that something's very serious when an adult cries. The effect is even worse when that adult is your parent.

This is always hard. My little brother is a brat to her all the time, and now my mom thinks she's a bad parent

2 Your parents divorce

I'm experiencing this,

3 One of your parents losing their job
4 Not having enough food

Breakfast: Nothing
Lunch: School Lunch or nothing
Dinner: Ramen Noodles, Frozen pizza, or nothing
4th and 5th grade living

5 Death of a close person
6 Having a terrible illness/disease

I've suffered from many mental illnesses from a very early age.

I was hospitalized with pneumonia s a kid

7 Not having a home

One summer I had to live with my grandparents because the DAMN GOVERNMENT kicked me and my family out of our house. My grandma was a smoker, too, so it was a terrible summer.

8 A war
9 A natural disaster

Somehow, whilst living in Tornado Alley, I never encountered a tornado. Right after I moved there was a huge flood in the area.

10 Rape
The Contenders
11 A murder
12 Seeing parents have sex
13 Parents being abusive and deny it
14 Being the younger twin
15 Seeing one of your parents dead
16 A pet dying
17 Transgenders
18 Being exposed to porn
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