Top Ten Worst Things to Say at a Birthday Party

The Top Ten
1 You're adopted
2 Here's a barbie doll, even though your a boy

Well that is better than getting me a Justin Bieber or one direction album or poster

3 I remeber that time you were born all covered up from your mums blood
4 We got you cake up until it was roadkill
5 We just hired a clown from the movie It

Love that scary movie. Run fast. Run far.

It's so blatant laugh out loud

6 We were going to have a birthday party up until the neighbours kid showed up
7 Heres a goodie bags from our kittens litter

I would honestly laugh but also think they have mental problems.

8 We used a candle, yes its covered up in gasolines but don't worry we hate you

That might end up at their expense.

9 That gift sucks

Good way to lose a friend! Even if you don't like it, pretend. Be nice.

10 Fake!
The Contenders
11 Every birthday, you get one step closer to death

This is actually true, but also creepy at the same time!

Lol this is funny

12 Is that from the 90s?
13 You're so old.

My parents started saying this to me on my 21st birthday and then they say it again every year on my birthday.

People sad that when I become 14!

14 You are stupid
15 Uurrrghh, I hate chocolate cake!
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