10 Best McPe Split Touch Pvpers

10 Best MCPE Split Touch PvPers
The Top Ten
1 Ziaxite

Very good at aiming his crosshair, and strafing

2 Sodum

Very good at side strafing his opponents

3 CharleyTheOne

Very good circle strafer

4 xBullen

Very good circle strafer, and gets unexpected combos

5 Engless

Very good at getting behind his opponents

6 ChaoticSynergy

Very solid all round player

7 Panduma

Highly underrated, his aim is very precise

8 KrystalAngela

Very good at getting combos when your guard is down

9 Riley2002

Riley could be top 7, but needs to work on his strategy

10 Samuryan

Always has been a very good Split PvPer, the only thing bringing him down to #10 is his device, and recent switch back to split