The Top Ten Most Played Songs on Martin Canine's Smartphone as of July 29th, 2017

Or as I call it: "The List of Shame".

Yes, this is the real, no holds barred list, taken straight from my Samsung Galaxy A5 on July 29th, at 11:57 Central European time.

Number 11 would be "The Sailor Song" by Toy Box, just wanted to tell you, to prove my love for this band isn't just made up.
The Top Ten
1 Monster - Darkviktory & Paperblossom
2 Drop the World - Lil Wayne & Eminem
3 Yo Ho - Blood on the Dance Floor
4 We are Number One - Robbie Rotten
5 Bad Boy - Kollegah
6 Next Go Round - Nickelback
7 XD - Dat Adam
8 You Ain't Got Nuthin - Lil Wayne
9 IO - Dat Adam
10 Ooooorr - Young Thug